
Friday, December 28, 2012


With the holiday season, I wanted to stay away from reporting on the “wrongs” of our society.  Not that long ago, however, I came across another barbaric story involving Child Protective Services (CPS) which has plagued me for weeks.  Having suffered directly from their unethical, overbearing, unsubstantiated attacks, keeping an eye on them has become a lifelong passion of mine.  I do not want others to suffer what my family has suffered.  Sadly, as long as CPS continues to throw its weight around without restraints, their victims list continues to increase.

(Photo by:

The latest story that has weighed heavily on my mind is the story of Marie Freyre, a 14 year old girl with cerebral palsy.  For her 14 years of life her mother, Doris Freyre, tenderly cared for Marie.  Unable to communicate, Doris found ways to understand her daughter’s needs, moods and strengths.

Marie’s cerebral palsy left her physically unable to care for herself but her mother did everything for her.  As the years passed, Doris began to suffer from physical disabilities herself, such as herniated discs and carpal tunnel syndrome.  It is unknown just how CPS became involved but upon learning of Doris’ growing disabilities, they determined that she was incapable of caring for her daughter and, without warning, removed Marie from her home.

Doris Freyre went to court to have her daughter returned and Judge Vivian Corvo agreed that the mother was very capable of taking care of her daughter and ordered CPS to return Marie.  The Judge did state that Mrs. Freyre could use additional around the clock assistance but the healthcare agencies refused to provide it.  CPS decided to completely ignore Judge Corvo’s order and kept Marie in the Tampa General Hospital for 29 days.  While in the hospital, Marie lost some 30 percent of her body weight.

In April, again ignoring the Judge’s Order, CPS had Marie moved to the Miami Gardens Nursing Home.  CPS refused to allow Doris Freyre to accompany her daughter in the ambulance ride.  While being transported Marie wasn’t given any of her medications for her pain, nor was she provided any water or any nourishment of any kind – no doctor awaited her arrival at the Nursing Home.  Just 12 hours after being discharged from the hospital, Marie died of a heart attack from the stress she had been placed under.  CPS denies that any of their actions, nor non actions, led to Marie’s death.  Their response to the situation is as cold and uncaring as one has grown to expect from them.

I am not certain just what it is going to take for people, the legal profession and the medical profession to wake up and see the demonic organization that CPS has evolved into being.  How many children must die at their hands?  Their slogan of “what’s in the best interest of the child” is sickeningly laughable.  They need to be stopped.  If people had only stood up – how many thousands of children would still be alive today?  Take a look at just a handful of those innocent children who have died in CPS’s care at:

Thursday, November 29, 2012


            On September 17, 1787 the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia adopted the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land.  It then went into effect on March 4, 1789.  Comprised of the Bill of Rights, or the first ten amendments, the Constitution has been amended 17 times in its 223 years of existence giving it a total of 27 amendments.  For a document that has been around for nearly two and a quarter centuries to have had only 27 amendments is an amazing testament to its strength – reflecting the power of the people whom it was intended to protect.

            The U.S. Constitution was the very first of its kind.  No other document quite like it ever existed in the history of the world.  Since 1789, however, many countries adopted a constitution of their own, each one based off of the premise of the U.S. Constitution.

            Many people believe that the U.S. Constitution, or at the very least a great part of it, was a divinely inspired document.  Benjamin Franklin, when speaking about the Constitution, stated:

“When you assemble a number of men to have the advantage over their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views.  From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected?  It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does. … The opinions I have had of its errors, I sacrifice to the public good.”

Although Franklin recognized that there were some errors, he believed that the Constitution was “approaching so near to perfection”.

James Madison, in his Constitutional Convention notes, wrote:

“There never was an assembly of men, charged with a great and arduous trust, who were more pure in their motives, or more exclusively or anxiously devoted to the object committed to them.”

Madison believed that the writers of the Constitution were “pure in their motives”.  They put aside personal biases and created a document as near to perfection as one can be.  It was a document that would withstand all times – both their time and future times.

            The Preamble of the Constitution states:

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

            By the preamble alone, we know that the Founding Fathers intended that the Constitution would survive for their posterity – to secure the “Blessings of Liberty”, or to secure each individual’s God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The U.S. Constitution was created by the people in order to protect the people from being subjugated by a dictatorial, tyrannical government.


            Without going into a plethora of details leading up to the creation of the U.S. Constitution, it is important to highlight what events inspired it.

            We know that people of many different lands travelled to the American continent in search of political and religious freedom.  As the American colonies grew and began to prosper, the King of Great Britain, King George III, began to stretch forth is tyrannical rule over the seas to the American colonies.  He imposed countless, unending taxes upon the colonies, its people and its businesses.  He confiscated private property for the crown.  He imprisoned people with no cause, no trials.  He allowed the British military to take over homes to house their men.  His list of atrocities goes on and on but, in short, he trounced upon every God given right bestowed upon man for his own sickening, power hungry gain.  He believed that the people were his “property” and that they owed him.  He, in turn, would provide for them according to how he saw fit.  This was not God’s law but corrupt man’s law.

            The American colonist had had enough of a tyrannical government and in return, fought to secure their freedom from that corruption.  In this quest, so eloquently stated, the Declaration of Independence was born.  It highlights the God given rights of every man and woman and puts governments in their respective place.

 Declaration of Independence
(July 4, 1776)

“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.  But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.  The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.  To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world….”  (emphasis added)

      Let’s break this down just a little bit:

1.         governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  Governments get their power by the consent of the people (the governed).  Governments do not have the power or authority to create or add to their powers unless granted by the majority voice of the people.  The people are the government’s “boss”.  It answers to them – not the other way around.

2.         That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. This is a warning to governments and a command to the people.  If a government becomes corrupt, taking upon itself powers it never was intended to have, causing the destruction of certain unalienable rights, then it is the obligation and duty of the people to take down that government and replace it with one that will work under the rules provided by the people.

3.         when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”  The Founding Fathers were so fearful that a government established in America could one day become corrupt.  In order to protect that from happening, they again emphasized that it is the people’s duty to throw that government out.

            The Declaration of Independence is just as powerful a document today as it was back in 1776.  Its words, its meaning, its directives are still standing.  The Declaration is a foundation upon which the U.S. Constitution was formed.  It and the U.S. Constitution are the tools that the Founding Fathers gave all future generations to stand by and to be protected by.  They will never cease to do their job of protecting a people to be free – BUT – if people turn from them, disregard them, attempt to abandon them – there is no protection from falling under tyranny and bondage.

Warning Signs of a Growing Corrupt Government:

[He] has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

[He] has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

[He] has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

[He] has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.

For imposing taxes on us without our consent.

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury.

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.

These were the claims the colonist made against King George III but let’s look at them again in relation to our current sitting federal government administration.

[He] has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.  [TSA and drones]

[He] has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.  [Obamacare]

[He] has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.  [The numbers are staggering but to mention just a few include – Obama’s “civilian” army, an armed TSA, the Department of Homeland Security and drones.]

[He] has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.  [Pushing to have the U.S. be governed by the laws of the U.N.; subjecting Americans to accept Shiria law – Islam while at the same time criminalizing the Jews and Christians.]

For imposing taxes on us without our consent.  [Obamacare was ruled to be a “tax”.  U.S. citizens have never been able to vote on or consent to it.]

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury.  [Countless cases being hushed up by the public media.]

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments.  [Supporting abortion which directly attacks every human’s God given right to life.  Silencing religious values – depicting them as “hate” crimes and offensive to the godless and in return, forcing religious people to accept and cater to the ungodly.  Enacting powers it simply does not have through entitlement programs – programs that “fundamentally” alter the government’s role.]

[He] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.  [Never in any other time of the U.S.’s history have the people been so divided.  Gives new meaning to the phrase: “United we stand – divided we fall.”]

What does President Barack Obama think of the U.S. Constitution?

            Every President who takes office pledges an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and in that pledge, they pledge to protect the United States of America.  Obama took that pledge but does he believe in the Constitution?

In a radio interview in 2001, then State Senator Barack Obama spoke about how he viewed the U.S. Constitution.  He stated that he believed that the Constitution was “an imperfect document and its imperfections continue to this day.”  Quite an opposite view of Benjamin Franklin and James Madison.  In another interview, he stated that the U.S. Constitution is “a charter of negative liberties in that it states what the State and Federal government could not do to you.”  This statement clearly highlights his disregard of the fact that the Constitution was established for the protection of the PEOPLE against unethical, overbearing, overstepping governments.  The governments, both state and federal, answer to the PEOPLE.  The PEOPLE do NOT answer to the government.  What is even more frightening with this statement is the fact that he was upset that the Constitution puts forth what a government could not do to you.  The government is not supposed to do anything TO you.  It was established to protect you – not do anything to you.  Obama’s inference is that he believes the government should have free reign to do to the people whatever it wishes.  Now that’s scary.

Obama goes on to state that the Constitution is flawed because it does not state what the State and Federal governments should be obligated to do on your behalf.  That is another outright disregard for the Constitution.  Again, the federal government is only to defend the states – it is not “obligated” to do anything in the form of entitlements on anyone’s behalf.  That responsibility is left up to individual states, its citizens and the churches.  The President is only to act on behalf of the United States by the majority consent of the Senate and Congress.  The President does not have the authority to act on matters according to his viewpoints or beliefs but by the voice of the majority of the people.  However, Obama believes he and his administration should have the right to do whatever they want to regardless of the Constitution.  He has put himself above the Constitution.  He has stated that he believes the Constitution needs to be changed.  It is also important to note here that the U.S. Constitution does NOT explicitly permit executive orders.  There is a vague reference in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 which states: “it vests the power [to the President] to execute the instructions of Congress, which has the exclusive power to make laws.”  Because of this vagueness, many Presidents have pushed the bounds as to what they believe they have power to do but for Obama, he continually bypasses Congress by issuing executive orders to further his own personal, often illegal and unethical views upon the American people.  His acts continually usurp the majority will of the people.  Like he does with the Constitution, he puts himself above the people.  He believes he is their ruler – their savior - and not their servant.

Powers Given to the President of the United States.

            Okay, so what powers does the Constitution actually give to the President?  Basically it gives the President seven powers as follows:

            1.         As the Commander and Chief of the U.S. Military, the President swears an oath to protect the states and each and every citizen of the country.

            2.         The President can grant pardons except in cases of impeachment.

            3.         The President may make treaties after obtaining at least two-third’s consent from the Senate.

            4.         The President may appoint ambassadors to represent the interests of the United States both at home and abroad and the President may also appoint judges to the Supreme Court with the consent of the Senate.

            5.         The President must report on the State of the Union to the general public.

            6.         The President can make recommendations to Congress.

            7.         The President may convene either house of Congress.

            In reality, the powers of the Presidency are very limiting and are limiting so as to prevent the rise of a dictator or tyrannical ruler.  Obama detests those limits.  He has on many occasions voiced his disdain for them and, in his retaliation, he has ignored them, all to the detriment of this country.  He and those with his ideals are what the Founding Fathers feared when creating the Constitution.

The Last Thread of Hope.

If the Constitution is allowed to be continually trampled upon, the Founding Fathers demonized, every American’s God given rights criminalized, then not only will this country die but so will the whole world.  The U.S. Constitution is the glue that has been holding our planet together.  It is the last thread of hope the entire world has of ensuring our existence.  If the U.S. falls, so will those who hate her.  Their very survival is dependent upon her.

As American citizens we can no longer stand back and watch our country and all that she was built upon be torn away piece by piece each day.  As Americans, it is our duty to fight and defend her and all that she stood for.  As Americans, it is our obligation to throw out the rotting sitting government that has seized control and whose ultimate gain is to destroy all freedoms.  As Americans, it is time to wake up and take a stand.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


b. July 4, 1776 – d. November 6, 2012

      Last night the liberals betrayed the United States of America, its Founding Fathers, its Constitution, every man and woman who fought and gave their life for her and the freedom she represented - all for 30 pieces of silver (government entitlement programs).


Now we, and the world, have been plunged into the very depths of hell and outer darkness.  -  Today we woke up without a country.  Today we woke up to the Obama Fourth Reich.  No longer is our election system valid.  It has been corrupted, led away by the playing flute of an evil, propagandized, socialistic media.  No longer will freedom reign.

The flame of Lady Liberty has been snuffed out – all to the roaring cheers of a group of people who have sold their souls to Satan.  Who have clamored to become enslaved into bondage to a dictator whom they cannot even see only sees them as pawns in his own scheme to criminalize and eliminate God and lead the world to its total destruction.

      We have a group of people (as anti-American as it can get) who have pledge an allegiance to an Islamic terrorist to uphold the death of America and the death of Israel.

A group of people that now support a socialist society and who have robbed future generations of the land of freedom and happiness.  Their vote has set into motion an array of possible future outcomes - some of which may include:

1.  A CHANGE you will have to live with (or die by).

2.  A Police State (your rights are gone).

3.  The despair of children who have no hope.

4.  FEMA Concentration Camps (already set up and poised to kill millions upon millions of Americans who stood for the Constitution, who love God and who dared oppose the Fourth Reich).

5.  Streets filled with bodies of those who value good over evil, mankind and God.

6.  History repeating.  (Those who refuse to know their history are doomed to relive their history.)

As I witnessed the murder of the greatest nation that ever was or ever will be, I wondered why God withheld His hand.  Had He really forsaken us?  Perhaps it was because far too many of us refused to acknowledge Him.  Perhaps it was because we have not been humbled enough.

In this hour of darkness, for those who tried earnestly to do what is right, find comfort in knowing that, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)  Do not let this unimaginable madness turn you away from God.  Pray for those who have lost their way and then do all that is within your power to humble yourself before the Lord and stand for what is right!

Satan and his followers may have won this round, and there will be many dark and horrific days ahead to endure, but in the end – always in the end – truth prevails!  Good wins over evil!  We may be down but we are in no means out.  We still have the greatest leader on our side!

For those who have embraced Obama and his regime – you have gotten the government you deserve.



Thursday, October 11, 2012


            Since writing my first blog posting on Child Protective Services (CPS) and how corrupt they are, ( I have been overwhelmed by the number of e-mails that I have received from people around the country who have suffered under CPS’s tactics.  Well – amazed is really not the right word here.  I am in no way surprised because I have known for quite some time now that there are thousands upon thousands upon tens of thousands of victims out there – but I am amazed that there is still very little these victims can do to defend themselves.

            Part of the reason why CPS gets away with what they do is because so much of the general public is totally complacent and unaware about this organization.  They believe that they are actually helping children.  So long as you have no direct dealings with CPS, you can continue to live in your little bubble while others are suffering horrendously under CPS’s unaccountable, illegal, destructive actions taken against completely innocent people and families.  I know – I was once one of those complacent individuals.  However, once CPS comes knocking – it’s a shocking eye opening to reality.

            Without repeating the stories in my earlier blog, one person who recently e-mailed me told me of her encounter with CPS that occurred just this past summer.  She came home from work one day and got a frantic telephone call from her daughter.  CPS had been to her house and had removed her three children.

            Her daughter told her that she had run out to do some errands and had a neighbor’s 14 year old daughter come and watch her children, ages 1, 4 and 7 for a couple of hours.  (Just as a quick background here – the father is serving in the military in Afghanistan so was away from home.)  When she arrived home, two CPS agents and two police officers were in her home.  One of the agents then asked the daughter how much violence was occurring in the home.  She was shocked by the question and told the agent that there wasn’t any violence.  The agent then held up a child’s bat that was cracked open on one side and then asked the daughter if she wanted to answer the question again?  The daughter was totally confused.
            At that point the 14 year old babysitter spoke up and said that the 7 year old had shown her the bat and told her that “Mommy got really mad and used his bat and broke it.”  Upon hearing that, she called CPS.  The daughter then turned to the CPS agent and told her that she had used the bat the other day while she and her kids were outside.  A big snake was on the driveway and she didn’t want it to go near her children so she used the bat to chase it away.  She had hit the ground several times with it to divert the snake and the bat cracked.  That was all.  Unbelievable to her the Agent instructed her co-worker to take the children outside and put them in the car, the police were to prevent the mother from stopping them.  The daughter was then told that her “violent” actions were disturbing and a more thorough investigation would be needed.  Until then, the children would be taken to a “safe home”.  The agents, police, babysitter and children left the home and that is when she called her own mother.

            Her mother then called CPS and was told that as the grandmother they would release the children into her care as long as their mother was not allowed to be around them unsupervised.  The grandmother agreed and went to the CPS offices to pick up her grandchildren.  When she arrived they asked her to sign a release paper.  Before signing it she read the paper and the paper stated that “she had witnessed her daughter being violent around the children”.  She was shocked but took her pen and scratched out the line, signed it and handed it back.  The person on the other side of the desk looked at the paper and told her that it was unacceptable as the document could not be altered.  She either signed it as it was or the children would not be released to her.  Having worked in law for many years the mother knew that anything signed under duress was inadmissible and she wanted to get her grandchildren out of CPS’s hands.  Believing she could easily dismiss the paper later, she signed another copy of the paper and the grandchildren were released to her.

            This incident happened in May 2012 and the children are still with the grandmother.  She has tried to return the children to her daughter but CPS has taken the mother to court, accusing her as being unfit and a danger to her children – they used the signed paper of the grandmother as evidence.  The mother/grandmother testified as to why she signed it but her statements were dismissed as trying to protect her daughter.  Even though the father has now returned, CPS will not allow the children to go home because they repeatedly state she is a violent person.  Now CPS is petitioning to have the children removed from the grandmother and put up for adoption.  Their reasoning is that the grandmother is unstable as she contradicts her own signed statement, her irrational emotions around the children are damaging their psyche and they believe the children would be better off if placed in a new home.

            To date, this family has paid out over $15,000 in legal bills.  They have now exhausted all of their savings.  They recently hired a new lawyer, pro bono, but still have a hard road ahead of them.  All because a 14 year old girl saw a cracked bat and determined the mother was violent and the CPS agents were all too happy to agree.  Of course, there is a lot of money involved here (again see my earlier posting to see how much).  The whole thing is shocking – heart-wrenching – and CPS will probably get away with it.

            If you surf the internet you will easily find hundreds of horror stories like this.  Our complacency is allowing it to happen.  Where can these victims go for help?  Unfortunately at the moment – there’s not much out there.  From my own experiences, I found the following:

1.         Support groups quickly disband from lack of support from the community, schools, law enforcement agencies, and even the medical profession.  In fact, people who have tried to join a support group have found that that action alone makes others in their lives, i.e., other family members, friends, churches, etc. look at them as though they are actually guilty.  CPS agents have also been known to target family members in support groups, again using the fact that they are attending a support group as an admission of guilt.

2.         Fear.  People caught up in CPS are so taken off guard, so confused, feel so alone, and fear that others will believe they have done something wrong that they remain silent and let the “system” do what it will in hopes that in the end things will work out.  They never really do.  Oh, children may remain in the home, cases may be closed, but the emotional damage inflicted on the accused (wrongfully accused) is permanent.  It never goes away.  So they hide and don’t speak out about their injustice.  CPS counts on this.  They do a wonderful job in intimidation.

3.         Lawyers are extremely reluctant to take on a case against CPS.  They know it’s a losing battle before they even begin.  And even if they win – they lose.  Case in point:  A lawsuit was filed against CPS in Utah.  CPS had forced the parents to have their son undergo unconventional medical treatments.  The details of the case are complex but needless to say, the matter was in the courts for several years.  In the end, the Judge ruled in favor of the family.  The Judge then went on and issued a judgment against CPS for a grand total of $1.00.  That’s it - $1.00.  As far as the Judge was concerned, that covered the family’s damages.  The Judge went on to say that it was enough that they had won.  A large judgment was not awarded because the Judge did not want to set a precedent for others to try and sue CPS.  Are you freaking kidding me?  The lawyer had spent thousands and thousands of dollars out of his own business to bring the case to trial.  He was disgusted by the results.  In addition, he now refuses to ever take on any case against CPS again and he is by no means alone in that regard.  So, even though CPS lost – they actually won.  They went on their merry way in search of their next victim.

            So, how do you fight against CPS?  First and foremost – stop being silent about it.  Talk, talk, talk and talk about what happened to everyone.  Post it on Facebook and other social media.  CPS is counting on your “embarrassment” and “silence”.  Don’t give them that round.


         Before CPS ever comes knocking, know your rights.  Know that if a CPS agents shows up at your door DO NOT let them in.  Our Fourth Amendment Rights protect us from unlawful entry.  Unless they have a signed search warrant from a Judge – they have absolutely no right to enter your home.  They know this which is why they bring the police because the police presence is solely there to intimidate you.  People let CPS Agents in believing this is showing them that they are being cooperative.  This is a huge mistake on 2 fronts.  First, once you allow them into your home – you waive your Fourth Amendment Rights.  Second, CPS views “cooperation” as an admittance of guilt.  So, if they show up – be polite and speak with them on your doorstep/porch/sidewalk but inform them that if they have anything to say they need to contact your lawyer – you have nothing to say to them.  Politely leave and go back inside your home.  Oh, they’ll try to intimidate you but you have the law on your side at that point.

            If, however, you decide to speak with the agent or agents – again DO NOT LET THEM INSIDE YOUR HOME – then tell them before they begin to ask questions you will need to document everything.  Document what they ask, what is said, etc. in writing and on a tape recorder.  Writing alone can be dismissed later but if they are on tape – that’s another story.  And, if you have it available, videotape it as well.  Most cellphones today have this capability.  If the agents refuse – then walk away and say nothing.  When CPS agents show up they usually only have someone’s say-so and have NO evidence.  They are on a fishing expedition and your job is to not give them any fish.  Again, be polite, thank them for coming and tell them to speak with your lawyer.  If you do not have a lawyer’s name to give to them at that point, tell them to call you in a few days and you will give them your lawyer’s name.  Say nothing else, go back into your home.  You’re children should remain in the home at all times.  The CPS agent does NOT have the right to question them without your permission.  (Unfortunately, CPS agents often show up in schools and even though schools know that a child should not be interviewed without a parent’s permission, they are great violators of this rule.  Public schools are CPS’s major source of referrals.)  However, in your home – you are the boss and CPS cannot, without a signed warrant, circumvent your rights and authority.

            I have heard of a number of people who followed this step – didn’t have a lawyer’s name – and then never again heard from CPS.  However, to keep yourself safe, get a name.  Call your state’s free legal practice group to get a name of a lawyer – even if you haven’t officially contracted with that lawyer (that can be done at a later time if need be) just giving out a name often stops CPS in their track.

            Finally, I found a great site that provides a lot of information and can direct you toward finding help.  It’s not a cure all but a start.  Check it out at:

           To eventually beat CPS, people are going to have to start speaking up LOUDLY and OFTEN.  Call your State Representatives and Congressmen.  Be proactive in taking CPS down.  If enough of us stop being complacent – I actually believe that CPS can be held accountable.  I don’t necessarily believe that CPS should totally be disbanded as they do, on occasion, actually help a real victim, but I believe checks and balances need to be in place for them, accountability and guidelines on what constitutes true abuse, education on investigating thoroughly before acting on any accusations and so on.  Until then, we’ll just have to fight as a group together.

           If you know of any other helpful websites, please feel free to list them in the comments section below.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The 2012 Presidential election is just a few weeks away.  People in both political camps are biting their nails – but for different reasons.  Biased media polls tout that Obama is ahead in virtually every key state.  A poll taken recently in Ohio had Obama leading Romney by double digits, however, after delving into the background of that particular poll it was revealed that only 162 people were polled in the entire state.  162 people are supposed to represent the majority of Ohio’s entire political view - a state that has been hit especially hard by the Obama’s administrative line on industry, particularly the coal industry.  Since Obama took office some 100 coal fired powered plants have been closed - many of which were located in Ohio.  With those closures, thousands of Ohioans lost their jobs under Obama’s reign.  Do you really think they want 4 more years of his policies?

Independent polls in Ohio and throughout the country show a very different picture than what the mainstream media is trying to present.  In fact, in more than half of the independent polls, Romney is leading, sometimes by a substantial lead, over Obama - but enough of polls.  As my earlier blog stated, polls can be twisted into anything the pollster wants it to reflect so let’s just dismiss the polls and start reflecting on what real, everyday people are actually saying.

Let me return back to my earlier statement that “People in both political camps are biting their nails – but for different reasons.”  For quite some time now I have been focusing on this, listening to the people around me at work, on the trains, in the stores, in restaurants, on the streets, etc.  I have also talked with friends I have around the country to see what they have been hearing in places like Massachusetts, Utah, Georgia, Mississippi, Arizona and California.  For the most part the results I am finding are not surprising but there is one factor constantly rearing its head above all other factors such as race, sex or political party – and that is the growing divide between age groups.

  The Young People (from grade-school through mid-late twenties).  This group of people has been brought up in an age of entitlement and they cling hard and fast to it.  This age group fully, totally, and completely believes that they are “owed” virtually everything in life, including free money, free education, free healthcare, free housing, free cellphones, freedom from employment, freedom from doing anything.  They also fully believe that anyone who actually works for what they have in life is the “bad” guy and that “bad” guy owes them.  This mindset has been drilled into their heads since entering the public school system where today’s thinking is that the parent should have little to nothing to do with their social and moral development but that the schools and government are solely to mold them.  It becomes increasingly indoctrinated in them in colleges and universities where, again, more time, energy and classes are spent on molding favoritism towards communistic views and values than on teaching actual trades for people to make a living.  They don’t need to make a living because they are “owed” everything, free, and the government will provide for them.  They are smashing individual thinking into a collective, mindless mentality of enslavement.

A capitalistic society is a society that believes in the everyday man and woman.  That everyone has the right to try and better their lives through hard work, self-sacrifice, failures, achievements and being able to stand back up and try again until you reach success.  Not every person will succeed at the same level but the feeling of pride earned in the act of working for what you have is felt equally by all.  It is what a person “builds” themselves - not what has been handed to them.

In a communistic/marxist society, no one works to better themselves because there is no conceivable way to better themselves.  They live in a “collective” mentality where everyone must have the same as the other guy and no one is to have anything more – that is except for the few elite at the top of the social scale.  These few live by a very different rule.

So, in my own personal research, I have time and time again heard the young people voice a negative opinion towards capitalism, believing it is an “unfair” system.  That everyone is “entitled” to get the same thing - that the rich guy is “bad” and owes them.  That the rich guy somehow by osmosis just magically, unfairly, got his wealth.  That he stepped on the less fortunate people to get that wealth.  They ignore his or her hard work, their years of hard work – years of self-sacrifice – how they employed many, in some instances thousands, providing them with a livelihood.  Nope – their sole mentality is that if you are successful then you are evil.

Obama and his followers plug into the entitlement mentality.  They feed it.  They incite it.  They propagandize it.  They display it under the cloak of racism and political correctness.  They weave their web to the destruction of the United States of America and the young stand up and cheer – completely ignorant of their own demise.

  The Older Generation (late twenties and up).  This group of people still remembers when America was the best nation on Earth.  Was she perfect?  No – but she and her values, her identity, her Constitution were the best things that this world has ever known.  She was a haven unto the world for peace and freedom.  To say you were an American was to be filled with pride and humbleness to enjoy her fruits.  To be an American made you proud to help others in the world less fortunate and we, as Americans, have poured billions/trillions into the world in aid and services to help others have a piece of what we had.  We knew, however, that what we had was earned.  It was earned by the death of millions before us who fought for that freedom.  We honored them.  We revered them and we strived to make them proud of their and our sacrifices to keep sacred what they fought for, died for and lived for.

Capitalism is the only true way that all can achieve success.  Again, not everyone will achieve the same level of success for various reasons, including commitment to and belief in your own cause, but without free capitalism, economies will eventually collapse.  Capitalism cannot work without the dedication of people willing to do the work necessary.  Capitalism brings freedom to all.  Freedom is not FREE.  Older generations are fully aware of this.  Older generations do not expect to be given something for nothing.  Older generations do not believe they are entitled to anything that they haven’t worked their butts off to have.  Older generations understand that when times get tough, you pull your belt in a little tighter – you put the pedal to the metal and you work your way out of it.  Older generations know the government is not their savior.

Hence we are a nation struggling with two mindsets.  Those who feel entitled and fear losing “free” entitlements cling like frightened children in the night to Obama.  They see Romney as the boogey man and Obama is their savior – they worship their savior – not God – God is dead to them.

Those who love the ideals and values of America, of the Founding Fathers, the U.S. Constitution, freedom, freedom of ALL religions, freedom for the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speech, freedom to strive for your self-worth, freedom to achieve, and freedom to honor the sacrifices of so many men and women who fight for that freedom cling to Romney for hope, for the return to sanity, for the return to the sacredness and holiness of the family unit – unviolated by government control, for the return to the greatest nation that ever was or ever will be.  Romney is in no way perfect but he believes in freedom.  He believes in our Constitution and its divine inspiration.  The older generations see this – know this.  The older generations see Obama as an anti-Christ, as a destroyer of human will, a destroyer of humanity, a destroyer of true freedom and as the enslaver of souls.

Not every young person believes in Obama and not every older person believes in Romney but in percentages, the young favor Obama and the older folks favor Romney.  Come election day we, both old and young, will learn where our country is headed.  Will America survive if Obama wins?  Can Romney undo the damage of not only Obama’s administration but of a 100 years of progressive programs?  Can we ever truly become a “United” States of American again or are her days of glory truly gone?  Nail biting will increase as our future lies ahead or – as many people and nations in the past have predicted – is 2012 the beginning of the end of us all?

Politically incorrect,
Chris Broome