
Saturday, April 28, 2012

2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION – Beginning of the End? (Part 2)

          What are the qualifications to be the President of the United States of America?  According to the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, there are three factors.  These include: (1) you MUST be a natural born U.S. citizen; (2) you MUST be at least 35 years of age; and (3) you MUST have lived in the United States for 14 years.  There have been numerous debates on what constitutes natural born but in the Supreme Court’s opinion, natural born was defined as being born in the United States, or in one of its territories, to parents who were also both natural born citizens.  Regardless of the debate on this issue, to qualify as being naturally born, an individual must have been born either on U.S. soil, in a U.S. province/territory, or on U.S. diplomatic land, i.e., a military base.  A U.S. citizen who travels abroad and then gives birth in a foreign country falls into a different category, i.e., any child born to a U.S. citizen in a foreign land obtains dual citizenship of the birth land and the motherland of the parents.  This brings us to another question.  Can a person with dual citizenship become President of the United States?  The unequivocal answer to that is NO.  To have divided loyalties to two separate nations is dangerous and our Constitutional laws were established in such a way as to prohibit such splintering of loyalties to head this nation.

          The debate over whether or not Barack Obama II is a natural born U.S. citizen has been bantered about a bazillion times since the possibility that he might actually have the chance to become the President of the United States of America.  This topic could have been easily resolved and put to rest had Obama not been so downright obnoxious and belligerent in not producing his birth certificate as is required to prove eligibility to run for the highest office of our land.  Hospital records are conflicting and, therefore, are completely unreliable and untrustworthy.  His own grandmother and older siblings have affirmed that Obama II was, in fact, born in Kenya.  They were proud of this fact and had absolutely no reason to lie about it.  His father was a citizen of Kenya.  Even Obama himself does not dispute this.  Although his mother was a U.S. citizen, having given birth to Obama II in Kenya automatically gave him dual citizenship – effectively eliminating any possibility of him being eligible to become the President of the U.S.  After scrambling for several years, Obama II finally produced a birth certificate that was quickly established as a fake but I am not going to debate that issue here.  Ineligible or not, he now sits at the head of this country.

          True Americans are proud to be Americans.  We live (or lived) in the greatest nation that ever was.  This is not to say that America is perfect but it is the best established nation in the world.  We understand our weaknesses and we work hard on strengthening them.  We do not apologize to any other nation for who and what we are but we will gladly assist them when they are in need.  America has always assisted other lands even when those have spewed hatred at us.  Oh how easily they reach out to us with one hand and eagerly take what we offer and with the other hand they throw muck at us because of their ignorance and lack of respect and tolerance to our way of life.  This, again, is a topic that will need its own set of blog postings.  My point here is that Americans are proud of who they are and their heritage and displaying one’s own birth certificate of that heritage falls into that category.  Why then was Obama so opposed to presenting his birth certificate?  Every U.S. citizen must present a certified copy of their birth certificate to obtain a driver’s license, to be able to register to vote, to get married and to obtain a passport.  Did Obama refuse to produce a birth certificate during each of these junctions in his life?  He couldn’t do any of these without one – so what did he present?

          There is one fact and one fact only and that is that Obama’s real birth certificate would have revealed that he did not qualify for the office of the Presidency.  But like he has done on numerous occasions since he fraudulently obtained the office, he chose to ignore his ineligibility.  He, like so many of his devoted, worshiping followers, decided that he was above the laws of this land – that the laws prohibiting his eligibility were baseless and, at the very least, needed to be changed to his way of thinking.  However, the law was written precisely to prevent men like Obama from stealing this country and usurping its power and integrity.  Once you tamper with the magnificently, inspired doctrines of our Founding Fathers, you begin your decent into the very pits of a fiery hell.

          In order to divert facts, Obama’s cronies commandeered the racist card – accusing anyone who did not or would not support him as being a racist.  Grow-up!  You have played that card far too many times for it to mean a damned thing.  I personally don’t care if he were black, white, yellow, green, pink, purple, orange, indigo or whatever.  The color of his skin has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he DID NOT meet the eligibility requirements – PERIOD.  You can whine all you want about whether or not our presidential requirements are fair or not – that’s due to the great freedom of speech that we enjoy (but which this administration is meticulously whittling away) but whining changes nothing.  The man is a fraud!  But the fraud couldn’t have gotten to where he is without our complacency – without our lack of caring about our country – without the lack of understanding history and how those who ignore their history are doomed to repeat it.  He is in office not because he won but because we, as a whole, failed our nation.

          Who really is Barack Obama II?  He most certainly is not who he has professed himself to be.  Far too many valid and well researched evidence has come forth, including information on his criminal activities, his communistic connections, his Marxist upbringing, the plethora of false identities he has lived under with the use of numerous, fraudulent social security numbers, his hatred for this country (openly expressed on numerous occasions), his attack on the American people who hold to the U.S. Constitution and all those who died defending it, his total disregard of Congress and the executive process by continually ignoring the will of the majority of the people by spewing out executive order after executive order – an act only a tyrant, want-to-be dictator, would dare to do.  I have heard and read several articles and postings from people who support Obama’s actions saying he needs to ignore the process to take action – but – be very careful of what powers you are willing to give him.  The more power a person is given – the more corrupt that person will become.  Obama will more than likely not relinquish that power and if you don’t wake up soon – you – you who support him – will find yourselves crushed under it.  Beware of the false idol you are worshiping.

          So that brings me to the 2012 Presidential election.  Unless you’ve been living under a rock your entire life, it has been well documented through the quatrains of Nostradamus, the Mayan temples and the Egyptian pyramids, to name a few, that 2012 is predicted to be the end of the world.  Many believe this to be the case but whether or not you believe it or not, most people do believe that 2012 will bring about a significant change to our world.  We have been warned about these times through past prophets.  The outlook is not good.  How much of that outcome will be centered around Barack Obama II?

          Personally, I do not think that Obama will give up the presidency.  This term has merely been a precursor to what is to come.  You can look at the current polls but polls are tainted.  One recent poll indicated that Obama had a 7% lead over Mitt Romney.  What was not disclosed about that poll, however, was that of the 800 or so people polled, only 16 were Republicans.  Heck, no wonder Obama looked like he was leading.  However, considering that 784 plus were Democrats, the fact that he was leading by only 7% is downright laughable.  For the most part, even Democrats have seen the disastrous job Obama has done, the loss in our freedoms during his presidency and the future our country will face should he be re-elected.  The plain and simple truth is – MOST Americans do not support him.  But as he has already proven – support or not – he is going to do exactly what he wants to do regardless.  He is going to continue his campaign to enslave us all.  It only takes a small morsel of common sense to see this truth written on the wall.

          Will the 2012 election even take place?  I sometimes wonder - perhaps only as a facade to a more diabolical plan.  Right now – today – if we were to hold an election, Obama would lose by a landslide.  He knows it and his cronies know it.  Mark my words – come this election day - voter fraud by the leftists will be rampant to the likes that this country has never seen.  The election results will be a lie.

          On the chance, however, if Americans and the leftist slanted media are willing to step up to the plate and protect the voters, refuse to doctor numbers, refuse to be bullied and stand firm in sending a message to Obama and his administration in Washington and Mitt Romney wins – do not be surprised if Romney never takes office.  Why?  Because Obama will pull a crisis out from his sleeve.  He is already looking into it and he has many fronts to pull from such as the tensions building in North Korea, the global economy, unrest in the Middle East – you name it.  He will invoke martial law – stopping any change in power.  The gloves will be off then and Heaven help us all.  2012 will not be the end but it will most definitely be the beginning of the end.  The beginning of a darkened period this world has never witnessed before.  Can we turn it around?  Like I said in Part 1 of this blog posting, I wonder if we haven’t already passed the point of no return.

          For those who think that I am off my rocker and are looking forward to the day when they can a tell me how wrong I was – to you I say, “I hope and pray that you are right – I want to be wrong!”  But to you I also say, “You had better hope and pray that I am not right.”

A Proud American – Politically Incorrect,
Chris Broome

Monday, April 23, 2012

2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - Beginning of the End? (Part 1)

          It is truly mind-boggling to see how many people are either totally and completely ignorant of what is happening to our country today or they plain and simply do not care.  We used to be a country that prided ourselves on freedom, justice and the American way.  Even before the American Revolution those who settled this land came to find freedom – away from tyrannical governments.  The Founding Fathers drew up inspired documents to guide the American people.  Highlighted in these documents are everyone’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  In addition, these documents detailed our duties and obligations to take down any person or governmental body that even attempts to take those God given rights away from us.  These rights cannot be dictated away, dismissed through executive orders or rewritten for nefarious gain.  They are forever and eternally engraved in God’s law.  Tyrants will attack these rights on every front and people can willingly give up their own rights but these rights will never vanish – ever.  However, if we, as a whole, sit complacently by – ignoring the attacks on these rights and freedoms – then we have only ourselves to blame when we wake up to find that we have been squashed under the domineering rule of the wicked who have been organized under Satan’s design.

          As I read numerous articles on the internet, hear horrific stories on the TV, most of which are propagandized by the leftist media, speak with people on the streets and listen to the lines of conversations milled about, most of which are on topics that are based off of total falsehoods and/or complete fabrications for which people do nothing to find the real truth about – I have come to wonder whether or not we, as a country – heck, as a world – have not already passed the point of no return.  The degree of wickedness, immorality and outright hatred that radiates globally today on nearly every front makes the society of Sodom and Gomorrah look like a Sunday school picnic.  We have fallen so far downward from the greatness that we once were – and the even greater potential that we could have achieved – and it all occurred solely because far too many of us remained complacent.

          I point to myself on being complacent.  Politics, as far as I was concerned, was boring.  I actually naively believed that it simply did not affect my every day life.  That avenue of thinking is very juvenile but it is the exact mentality that those who wish to destroy freedom, our democracy, our republic, religion and our world’s stability are counting on.  You see – politics is VERY important to them – that’s why they have gained so much ground – so much power – and they are continuing to gain ground with barely any resistance whatsoever because hardly anyone is willing to fight back.  [See my earlier articles on political correctness and how it has been used by the left for this gain.]

          I used to say that I never would discuss politics because I just didn’t want to argue my points or upset anyone else who had a different viewpoint and, lately, I have heard that same sentiment echoed by several others – even prominent, well known persons.  But who are we?  What kind of Americans are we if we are not willing to stand up, hold our ground and fight for our country, our homes and our families?  We can grumble all we want in our homes – behind closed/locked doors – and express our feelings of disgust, dissatisfaction, anger and even fear but unless we are willing to step up to the plate and shout in the open that we have had enough – NO MORE – then we are frankly our own worst enemy.

          I know I didn’t want to step up to the plate – it was way too scary – especially today when those who have been willing to step up and speak out – such as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Chuck Norris, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Pat Boone – well the list is actually quite long – have been threatened, vilified, attacked on all counts, in fact, many lesser known individuals have even disappeared – why would I want to place myself in that category?  I then thought about Peter.  Peter was a devoted disciple of Jesus and when Jesus was betrayed, Peter vehemently stated that he would stand beside Him.  Knowingly, Jesus told Peter that before the crow were to cock twice, he would deny Him thrice.

          Naturally, Peter must have thought that what Jesus told him was ludicrous but faced with the crowds of angry, hateful people – Peter did just that – he succumbed to his fears and denied his Savior three times.  It was then that Peter had to face his fears and he realized that there was a greater cause than his fear – there was an even worse fate than death – there was the entire loss of the world.  Now I don’t put myself on the same realm as Peter but I did think about all of the souls who gladly and selflessly gave their lives to defend this land and its freedoms.  Some day I will stand before them.  Will I be able to thank them and hold my head up high – or will I cower in shame?  I decided then that I was not going to cower.  I don’t care how much my knees may shake or how sweaty my palms may get – I will stand tall, holding my ground to defend all that is true – all that is right.  I will not be silent any more.

           I am not a prominent person but I make a vow to do all that is within my power to help right the wrong this world has fallen into.  That’s how this blog started – Finding Truth in a Deceptive World.  And right now there is a deceptive person sitting in the White House.  He will stop at nothing to propel his deception.  If you don’t realize that yet, you will – and SOON.  The clock has long sense begun ticking down.  We can either wait for the bomb to go off or we can act to diffuse it.  Will the upcoming Presidential election of 2012 be the beginning of the end of our world?  Will there even be an election?  Can we trust the results that may come forth?  Please come back for more of my sounding off on the election in Part 2.

I am a Proud American – politically incorrect!
Chris Broome

Friday, April 20, 2012


          Ignorance is bliss so they say and for the vast majority of this country’s population – it abounds when it comes to the mental health industry.  We have all run into indigent, homeless individuals who roam the streets of nearly every large metropolitan area in the world and although the numbers of homeless have grown tremendously over the past few years due to our deplorable economy, I am focusing this article on those who are homeless because of mental health issues – and there are thousands of them – tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousand of them.

          Like most people, I, myself, never gave much thought to the mentally ill other than to feel pity for them and, on occasion, even fear.  However, beyond that, I blissfully went through life ignorant of their plight – that is until mental illness reared its ugly head in my family.  Then I not only became acutely aware of mental illness but the industry behind it, the devastating effect it has on the families who are trying to understand and cope with what is happening with their ill loved one, and the orchestrated attack the mental health professionals level at the families, targeting them as the real “reason” behind mental illness.

          Having been deeply encrusted in the mental health industry for the past five years and counting, I have learned a great many things – most of which are quite disturbing.  Among what I have learned that no one outside is aware of includes:

          1.       First and foremost – no matter how much schooling an individual has had, how many initials come after their last name, how many plaques they have on their walls – not a single one of them knows squat about helping the mentally illIt’s really a guinea pig profession of – let’s try this and see what happens – or – let’s try that.  Usually this or that involves medications.  This is painfully evident in the plethora of commercials we are constantly bombarded with nearly each and every day on mental health medications for depression, anxiety and just plain basic coping skills.  Their first answer to any mental emotion is to throw a drug at it and see if it might – just might – possibly help.  The drug companies are making a financial killing at doling out new drugs and the mental health professionals are getting their kickbacks.  No one – I repeat – NO ONE – knows what the long term effects these psychotropic medications will have on individuals other than that they will fry the brain and, truthfully, this knowledge doesn’t matter to them – it’s irrelevant to the all mighty dollar they are making in the prescribing.  The fact that a person’s mental health can more than likely be addressed without medications through behavior modification isn’t even a consideration – after all, there’s no real money to be made in that route.  In fact, behavior modification is too expensive for them to give it any real consideration.

          2.       Secondly, mental health professionals are not interested in dealing directly with the mental health issues - more than likely because they haven’t the foggiest notion of what to do.  I do believe that there are some in the industry who truly do attempt to help but, unfortunately, they are the exception and not the rule.  Instead, most employ the tactic of ignoring the real problems and instead focus on telling the ill person just how wonderful they are.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have heard, “We want to focus on their good qualities.  Focusing on their negative behaviors doesn’t help them with their self-esteem.”  To use a bad cliché – “gag me with a spoon.”

          It doesn’t take a mad scientist to know that you cannot solve anything by ignoring it.  That’s a plain and simple common sense fact.  And yet, the professional health professionals do just that – ignore the real issues and fabricate a false, fairytale, wonderful world of meaningless nothing so their “clients” can feel good about themselves.  You see, the professionals won’t even refer to the mentally ill as “patients” – nope, they are “clients” which goes along with the fact that this is a business.  Businesses have clients.  True medical professionals have “patients”.  Try talking to a mental health professional about changing bad, destructive behaviors into positive behaviors and they will attack you as bashing their “client” and being “uncooperative” with their program – a program that I might add has a drastic failure rate.

          My husband and I tried to work with the professionals, requesting advice on what can be done to change the behavior of our mentally ill loved one and for that, we were shot down, accused of being the main problem and not giving enough positive feedback.  At one meeting, a therapist said to our daughter in front of us, “Don’t worry – WE at least love you.”  What the heck?  She was belittling us in front of our daughter because we wouldn’t shower her with praise (we would if there was something to shower her with but, frankly, at that time, things were bad – very bad).  Instead, we wanted to know what could be done to teach her to change her negative behaviors into positive, uplifting behaviors and for that, we were demeaned.  The results of this type of thinking have made our daughter, on many occasions, tell us that we were her only real problem – even her therapists said so.

          3.       The third biggest fact to face is that the person with mental health issues, no matter what those issues might have been at the beginning, will get progressively worse under a mental health professional’s care.  Not only will they be drugged out as stated above, then falsely praised and told that NOTHING they do is wrong – that they are the wronged parties – but they then group the mentally ill together in so-called therapy groups where, instead of learning good, positive characteristics, they learn everyone else’s bad and sometimes horrific behaviors, adopting them as their own.  What is really sad and pathetic here is that the professionals actually THINK the therapy classes are helping.  What they don’t see is that the “clients” have them buffaloed – big time.  They treat their therapists and psychiatrists like puppets.  I’ve personally heard what the “clients” say behind the professionals’ backs.  One thing I have heard repeatedly said is, “I can tell my therapist anything – and they’ll believe it.  It’s really so funny what they will believe.”

          When our daughter’s mental illness behaviors began it was a terrifying time for our family and, naively, we sought out help.  The result today is that we don’t even recognize her – physically or mentally.  And her behavior is far, far worse.  Five years of therapy has done nothing to help but done a ton to push a wedge into our relationship.  At first, we tried to cooperate with the professionals, drastically seeking help and understanding.  We were shocked to see how many others had no support.  Now, after 5 years, we understand why families fall away from giving support.  It is because they receive no real help themselves, they are vilified by the professionals and they are alienated by their loved ones who now believe that there is nothing wrong with them other than their families.  They are hooked on psychotropic drugs and if you try to take them off – the professionals will step in and replace you as a threat to their “client”.  They don’t want you to take away the drugs – the “client” and the drugs are their livelihood.

          4.       Finally, there is NO support for the families.  Oh, there are some small groups out there but for the most part, the families have little to no support.  Even when it comes to legal issues, attorneys will have nothing to do with you.  They don’t want to stand up to the profitable mental health industry and on the chance you do try to fight the industry, they’ll crush you and they know they can crush you – they have NO accountability just as they teach their “clients” that there is no accountability in their actions.

          So how does this get us back to the homeless?  Eventually even the mental health professionals give up on the “client”.  They need to make room for more clients whom they can hook into the business and drugs.  They let the old clients go – clients who have now been separated from their families through years of false accusations – on many levels not to be addressed here.  They no longer have their puppets to play and they no longer have loving families to reach out to them so – on the streets they go.  Their minds are pretty much gone from the years of drugs – they’ve had no real responsibilities – they’ve had little to no accountability – and now they’re thrust on society to care for them - care that should have been given at the beginning – care that should have entailed teaching them positive behaviors by correcting negative behaviors – care, that if addressed at the beginning, could have completely resolved the issues at hand.  Now, when I see that indigent, homeless person – I see a person who was the product of the mental health industry.  I pity them but even more so, I pity their families.

          The mental health industry will continue to get away with producing dysfunctional individuals until we, collectively, say enough is enough.  We are all accountable for our actions – the mentally ill and those who blissfully go through life ignoring them.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I had the wonderful opportunity to attend my nephew’s wedding this past weekend in Cohasset, Massachusetts.  I love weddings as they signify the coming together of two individuals who are ready to make a life-long mutual commitment to each other.

As we all got caught up in the excitement of the last minute wedding festivities that led up to the wedding day, and as many of us reflected back on our own wedding day, a news story came on the evening news that re-iterated just how much the institution of marriage has been corroded.  Again, we have political correctness to thank for that.

The story was about Elizabeth Bierendy, a seventeen your old girl in Warwick, Rhode Island who had been asked to paint a mural for her high-school depicting how she viewed life’s progression.  She started her mural with a toddler, then showed the toddler growing up through the elementary school years, on to high school years, high-school graduation and, finally, she ended the mural with a man, a woman and a toddler to depict that the cycle of life had yet again begun with the new toddler.  The mural was simple and to the point, reflecting the seventeen year old’s point of view.  Little was she prepared for – little was any of us prepared for – the controversy her simple mural evoked.

The controversy had to deal with the fact that she had painted wedding bands over the heads of the young couple.  An outcry – from a very small minority I might add – spewed forth because these few felt that the mural did not depict the union of a married couple from their viewpoint – stating that marriage of a man and woman was not the “norm” today and didn’t reflect the many different lifestyles of today’s world.  They were, therefore, highly offended by the symbolism used.  Are you freaking kidding me?  I thought the mural was commissioned to express HER view!

What is pathetically sad here is that if she had painted two men together or two women together that would have been okay – but a man and a woman?  Heaven forbid – that was offensive…  Well folks, I feel that seeing two men together or two women together in the union of marriage is highly offensive to me and billions more.  Oh, but if any of us says that we are offended by the depiction of homosexuality then we are committing a hate crime.  We’re not being open and we’re being judgmental.  But it is their opinion that it is okay for them to criticize and degrade the traditional Christian view of marriage, even erase it from any public viewing because it offends them – and they have the gall to believe that they are not being judgmental?  That they are not denying us our right to our point of view and lifestyle?  That they are not committing a hate crime against us?  Huh - that thinking is simply double standard gibberish trash.

People throughout history have lived many different lifestyles but it has only been in the past couple of decades that there has been a severe push to ram down the throats of anyone with strong Christian values to “accept” every form of someone else’s lifestyle regardless of what that lifestyle may be.  It’s the mentality of “accept me for who I am or else…”  Funny thing is – they DON’T accept us – and that’s really not funny at all.

I understand that there are different lifestyles and if that’s how you want to live your life, then so be it, but don’t tell me how to live mine.  The fight that was begun a few decades ago to come out of the closets, so to speak, without fearing any retaliation, is understandable but it has turned out that the fight they initiated to become accepted by society was, in truth, a fight to destroy anything conventional, traditional and holy sacred in the sight of God.  I am not going to use this article to argue whether all lifestyles are sanctioned by God because the simple fact is – they are not.  There is a saying that states that – for those who believe, no explanation is needed – for those who don’t believe – no explanation will ever be enough – and that is true on this front.  It is something each and every one of us will understand the truth of on that day of final judgment.  The point of this article, however, is not to condemn alternative lifestyles but to highlight the fact that they, along with the political correctness garbage of today, are destroying what has been held dear for centuries upon centuries.  The tensions between the godless and the godly are growing.  The godless have gained a tremendous amount of ground over the past twenty years but be careful of how far you push because eventually the elastic will snap back and bite you.  You have passed the point of being accepted by denying anyone else his or her right to be different from you.  You have become the very thing you fought against.

As my wedding weekend wound down, another news report updated the story on the mural with what I believe was the only true outcome that should have occurred.  The Superintendant of the school, along with the Miss Bierendy, refused to paint over the wedding bands.  She has the right to her view of life’s cycle and her view will not be silenced!

Monday, April 2, 2012


As a child I grew up being taught that some things are vehemently right and some things are vehemently wrong.  For example, it was a right thing to clean my room – especially without being told to –and it was a wrong thing to lie.  It was a right thing to do to help an elderly person cross the street and it was a wrong thing to do to swear or hit anyone.

As I grew up, the right and wrong things broadened but were still quite clear and it only took common sense to know the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do in any given situation.  However, as I also grew up, I encountered a new word – mitigating.

On the news a young man had robbed a bank.  Well that was clearly a wrong thing to do – but the news anchor said that his attorney said that there were “mitigating” circumstances.  Well – what did that mean?  I soon found out it meant that – yes he robbed the bank but - because of certain circumstances, the crime wasn’t really as bad as one may have first believed.  In fact, the young man was more than likely to get off with a warning because he wasn’t altogether wrong.  Are you kidding me?

Fast forward a number of years and I found myself working in the legal profession where I still currently work and have done so for nearly 30 years.  Now, to start off, I want to say that I have worked with a number of very admirable people throughout those years and I have worked with some not so admirable people.  Overall, however, admirable or not, they all have become enslaved to a system that has nothing to do with right or wrong.

As young law school graduates, new associates come into the field with high expectations of making the world a better place – of protecting the rights of the wronged party whether that be in the corporate world or criminal world.  They’re gun-ho and ready to go.  Walking into the firm’s law library is like being let loose in a candy store.  There are hundreds and hundreds of books on past case law and these books will help them to understand almost every case that they will ever encounter in their career.  But what are these case law books really for?  I can tell you this – they have little to nothing to do with enacting justice – justice that we as individuals have grown up believing was our Constitutional right and those law books were there to protect those rights.

Like the new associates, I started out eagerly too and, like the new associates, it didn’t take me long to understand what the law field was all about.  It is first and foremost a business and a business is about making money.  So, how do you make certain that your business makes money?  Lawyers and law firms make money through winning cases.  If you have a good “win” record you can attract more clients.  Your winning record continues and you can charge your clients even more money.  On the other hand, if you lose too often, you lose clients and find it awfully hard to bring in new clients.  Your revenue goes down – as does your reputation.  It’s a battle between winning and losing.  Whether the client is right or wrong, innocent or guilty is really irrelevant.

An attorney wants to do the best thing for his/her client.  This can even be an emotional goal for them, but the bottom line is and always is – that they have to WIN this case.  The challenge begins between the opposing attorneys so each side heads for that large internal law library (and now even the internet) where those hundreds of beautifully bound case law books radiate their knowledge.  What are they looking for in all those past cases?  They’re looking for mitigating circumstances or, in other words, a way to find an area of grey so that their client is neither right nor wrong but somewhere in-between.  They’re looking for a shade of grey to paint to the potential jury.  They’re looking to steer a jury away from what is the real truth about the facts of the case by clouding those facts in rhetoric of ambiguity and mitigating circumstances.  The attorney’s goal is to paint the circumstances of the case into a shade of grey and whoever can find the lightest shade of grey wins!

Yup – right and wrong don’t matter – it’s entirely irrelevant.  Our justice system is about finding the lightest shade of grey in the case at hand and the lightest shade ALWAYS WINS.  That’s why all the people who have been in our justice system walk away stunned when the outcome should have been so instantaneously clear.  Of course he murdered two people.  But – oh wait – there were mitigating circumstance.  When he was 3 years old he didn’t get the car he wanted for Christmas.  It traumatized him causing him to kill the two people.  We can’t punish him for that.  WHAT?  I thought we were talking about two cold-blooded murders but, alas, the court system has now turned the perpetrator into the victim on some pretense that he may or may not have been abused and/or neglected as a child.

The court system is not the only “guilty” party in this mindset.  Everywhere I look today people are hunting for shades of grey in order to try and justify their own inner personal agendas for committing wrongful acts.  It’s as if right and wrong don’t even exist.  In fact, if you point out that someone is doing something wrong or saying something wrong, they point the finger back at you and scream “hate” crime.  “How dare you insinuate that I’ve done something wrong.  Nothing I do is wrong.”

The saddest side-effect of the mentality we have established today in abolishing right and wrong is that God has had to be removed from the equation.  The Bible teaches us precisely what the difference is between the two and it allows for no room for shades of grey.  Grey is Satan’s favorite color.  As long as we search for a shade of grey, then we have become one of his servants.  No longer can we punish a child for doing something wrong because nothing the child does is every truly wrong anymore.  There are no consequences to anyone’s actions.  With no consequences we continue to spiral downward into oblivion as a civilized human race.

Unless we are willing to adhere to the truth that there is absolute right and absolute wrong in the world, that there is absolute right and absolute wrong in our actions and, absolute right and absolute wrong in our dealings with each other, then there will never ever truly be justice in our world.  Unless we are willing to pay the consequences for our own actions and enforce others to pay the consequences of their own actions, then we will continue to perpetuate the loss of our Constitutional rights.

We need to face the fact that there is NO grey for true justice.  Are we willing to face that?  I know I am!  How about you?