
Saturday, April 28, 2012

2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION – Beginning of the End? (Part 2)

          What are the qualifications to be the President of the United States of America?  According to the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, there are three factors.  These include: (1) you MUST be a natural born U.S. citizen; (2) you MUST be at least 35 years of age; and (3) you MUST have lived in the United States for 14 years.  There have been numerous debates on what constitutes natural born but in the Supreme Court’s opinion, natural born was defined as being born in the United States, or in one of its territories, to parents who were also both natural born citizens.  Regardless of the debate on this issue, to qualify as being naturally born, an individual must have been born either on U.S. soil, in a U.S. province/territory, or on U.S. diplomatic land, i.e., a military base.  A U.S. citizen who travels abroad and then gives birth in a foreign country falls into a different category, i.e., any child born to a U.S. citizen in a foreign land obtains dual citizenship of the birth land and the motherland of the parents.  This brings us to another question.  Can a person with dual citizenship become President of the United States?  The unequivocal answer to that is NO.  To have divided loyalties to two separate nations is dangerous and our Constitutional laws were established in such a way as to prohibit such splintering of loyalties to head this nation.

          The debate over whether or not Barack Obama II is a natural born U.S. citizen has been bantered about a bazillion times since the possibility that he might actually have the chance to become the President of the United States of America.  This topic could have been easily resolved and put to rest had Obama not been so downright obnoxious and belligerent in not producing his birth certificate as is required to prove eligibility to run for the highest office of our land.  Hospital records are conflicting and, therefore, are completely unreliable and untrustworthy.  His own grandmother and older siblings have affirmed that Obama II was, in fact, born in Kenya.  They were proud of this fact and had absolutely no reason to lie about it.  His father was a citizen of Kenya.  Even Obama himself does not dispute this.  Although his mother was a U.S. citizen, having given birth to Obama II in Kenya automatically gave him dual citizenship – effectively eliminating any possibility of him being eligible to become the President of the U.S.  After scrambling for several years, Obama II finally produced a birth certificate that was quickly established as a fake but I am not going to debate that issue here.  Ineligible or not, he now sits at the head of this country.

          True Americans are proud to be Americans.  We live (or lived) in the greatest nation that ever was.  This is not to say that America is perfect but it is the best established nation in the world.  We understand our weaknesses and we work hard on strengthening them.  We do not apologize to any other nation for who and what we are but we will gladly assist them when they are in need.  America has always assisted other lands even when those have spewed hatred at us.  Oh how easily they reach out to us with one hand and eagerly take what we offer and with the other hand they throw muck at us because of their ignorance and lack of respect and tolerance to our way of life.  This, again, is a topic that will need its own set of blog postings.  My point here is that Americans are proud of who they are and their heritage and displaying one’s own birth certificate of that heritage falls into that category.  Why then was Obama so opposed to presenting his birth certificate?  Every U.S. citizen must present a certified copy of their birth certificate to obtain a driver’s license, to be able to register to vote, to get married and to obtain a passport.  Did Obama refuse to produce a birth certificate during each of these junctions in his life?  He couldn’t do any of these without one – so what did he present?

          There is one fact and one fact only and that is that Obama’s real birth certificate would have revealed that he did not qualify for the office of the Presidency.  But like he has done on numerous occasions since he fraudulently obtained the office, he chose to ignore his ineligibility.  He, like so many of his devoted, worshiping followers, decided that he was above the laws of this land – that the laws prohibiting his eligibility were baseless and, at the very least, needed to be changed to his way of thinking.  However, the law was written precisely to prevent men like Obama from stealing this country and usurping its power and integrity.  Once you tamper with the magnificently, inspired doctrines of our Founding Fathers, you begin your decent into the very pits of a fiery hell.

          In order to divert facts, Obama’s cronies commandeered the racist card – accusing anyone who did not or would not support him as being a racist.  Grow-up!  You have played that card far too many times for it to mean a damned thing.  I personally don’t care if he were black, white, yellow, green, pink, purple, orange, indigo or whatever.  The color of his skin has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he DID NOT meet the eligibility requirements – PERIOD.  You can whine all you want about whether or not our presidential requirements are fair or not – that’s due to the great freedom of speech that we enjoy (but which this administration is meticulously whittling away) but whining changes nothing.  The man is a fraud!  But the fraud couldn’t have gotten to where he is without our complacency – without our lack of caring about our country – without the lack of understanding history and how those who ignore their history are doomed to repeat it.  He is in office not because he won but because we, as a whole, failed our nation.

          Who really is Barack Obama II?  He most certainly is not who he has professed himself to be.  Far too many valid and well researched evidence has come forth, including information on his criminal activities, his communistic connections, his Marxist upbringing, the plethora of false identities he has lived under with the use of numerous, fraudulent social security numbers, his hatred for this country (openly expressed on numerous occasions), his attack on the American people who hold to the U.S. Constitution and all those who died defending it, his total disregard of Congress and the executive process by continually ignoring the will of the majority of the people by spewing out executive order after executive order – an act only a tyrant, want-to-be dictator, would dare to do.  I have heard and read several articles and postings from people who support Obama’s actions saying he needs to ignore the process to take action – but – be very careful of what powers you are willing to give him.  The more power a person is given – the more corrupt that person will become.  Obama will more than likely not relinquish that power and if you don’t wake up soon – you – you who support him – will find yourselves crushed under it.  Beware of the false idol you are worshiping.

          So that brings me to the 2012 Presidential election.  Unless you’ve been living under a rock your entire life, it has been well documented through the quatrains of Nostradamus, the Mayan temples and the Egyptian pyramids, to name a few, that 2012 is predicted to be the end of the world.  Many believe this to be the case but whether or not you believe it or not, most people do believe that 2012 will bring about a significant change to our world.  We have been warned about these times through past prophets.  The outlook is not good.  How much of that outcome will be centered around Barack Obama II?

          Personally, I do not think that Obama will give up the presidency.  This term has merely been a precursor to what is to come.  You can look at the current polls but polls are tainted.  One recent poll indicated that Obama had a 7% lead over Mitt Romney.  What was not disclosed about that poll, however, was that of the 800 or so people polled, only 16 were Republicans.  Heck, no wonder Obama looked like he was leading.  However, considering that 784 plus were Democrats, the fact that he was leading by only 7% is downright laughable.  For the most part, even Democrats have seen the disastrous job Obama has done, the loss in our freedoms during his presidency and the future our country will face should he be re-elected.  The plain and simple truth is – MOST Americans do not support him.  But as he has already proven – support or not – he is going to do exactly what he wants to do regardless.  He is going to continue his campaign to enslave us all.  It only takes a small morsel of common sense to see this truth written on the wall.

          Will the 2012 election even take place?  I sometimes wonder - perhaps only as a facade to a more diabolical plan.  Right now – today – if we were to hold an election, Obama would lose by a landslide.  He knows it and his cronies know it.  Mark my words – come this election day - voter fraud by the leftists will be rampant to the likes that this country has never seen.  The election results will be a lie.

          On the chance, however, if Americans and the leftist slanted media are willing to step up to the plate and protect the voters, refuse to doctor numbers, refuse to be bullied and stand firm in sending a message to Obama and his administration in Washington and Mitt Romney wins – do not be surprised if Romney never takes office.  Why?  Because Obama will pull a crisis out from his sleeve.  He is already looking into it and he has many fronts to pull from such as the tensions building in North Korea, the global economy, unrest in the Middle East – you name it.  He will invoke martial law – stopping any change in power.  The gloves will be off then and Heaven help us all.  2012 will not be the end but it will most definitely be the beginning of the end.  The beginning of a darkened period this world has never witnessed before.  Can we turn it around?  Like I said in Part 1 of this blog posting, I wonder if we haven’t already passed the point of no return.

          For those who think that I am off my rocker and are looking forward to the day when they can a tell me how wrong I was – to you I say, “I hope and pray that you are right – I want to be wrong!”  But to you I also say, “You had better hope and pray that I am not right.”

A Proud American – Politically Incorrect,
Chris Broome

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