Last week’s theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado sent a familiar shockwave through the nation – even the world. It’s familiar because it seems to be a recurring theme echoing over and over again. It’s become commonplace. Still, we sit back, scratching our heads in an attempt to try and understand how it could have happened yet again. What’s going on here? How can someone just go off like that? And then, before the victims’ blood even dries, we turn towards trying to understand what drove the shooter to do such a thing.
Instead of focusing on the anguish of the victims’ families, the media quickly scrambles to decipher the life of the shooter. Whether it was the killings at Columbine High School, the mall at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, or the several fast food, post office and university massacres, the media is quick to jump in by “victimizing” the perpetrator. We hear stories of how the shooter was bullied in school, was isolated and taunted for their sexual preferences, was preyed upon because of their religious beliefs or ethic background, that they came from a broken home, moved around a lot, had certain political affiliations, etc., etc., etc. - as though any of that gives the shooter a justification for his or her act.
While the media progandizes the viewers into believing that they somehow contributed to the events that led to the shooter’s desperate act, the real truth behind what caused the shooting gets swept under the carpet. The media and the leftist don’t want you to focus on the actual reason because if you did, you might start hampering their efforts to completely change this world. So what’s the reason that caused the act you ask? Simple – political correctness.
You knew I’d get back to that topic – it was inevitable - inevitable because political correctness as I’ve been saying all along is the pivotal tool that is being used to destroy us all. We don’t communicate with each other because of fear. We cannot have moral, spiritual or economic values that would guide and shape us because those values are “offensive” to someone, somewhere. We cannot raise our children to have a value system because they are taught that those value systems instill hatred of others. We have Child Protective Services (“CPS”) that has infiltrated their influence in the schools and the homes, lodging a wedge between parent and child. Schools, CPS, political activist groups, gay rights groups, and liberal governmental bodies indoctrinate their rhetoric of self entitlements over the good of the masses. All of this is done under the umbrella of political correctness.
For the past few decades we have been raising generations with no values, no understanding of self and where they are to fit into society, no cohesiveness of what a family unit is and should be, no understanding of a higher being beyond themselves, no understanding of working and working hard for what they have or what they want to obtain, no understanding of putting another’s well being before their own, no ultimate understanding of any purpose to life whatsoever outside of self-gratification. We have generations of “it’s all about me” and you don’t matter – at all. You have no worth.
Technology, along with political correctness, plays a large role in our downfall as well. Oh we think we’re advanced and it’s great but the truth is – technology, or to clarify – some technology, has separated us and put us into isolation – reinforcing the lack of actual worth we have for each other because we don’t connect – not really. There was a day when I wanted to talk with someone I called them on the phone or went over to see them. Not now – nope cause, in today’s world - we text or e-mail. That’s wonderful you think? Actually, it’s very cold and unfeeling – especially when it becomes your heavily favored way of communicating. You don’t really communicate in a way to create a bond when you focus on presenting staged and censored wording of who you are. In order to truly communicate you need to communicate through fluctuations in your voice – through direct eye contact – through smell and through hearing. Those senses keep you honest. Those senses allow another to get to know who you really are.
Social media – got to love it – got to hate it. Again, we have turned to a technology to communicate rather than to a person to person form of communication. There is a commercial I have seen repeatedly where a teenage girl talks about her poor parents who are finally getting onboard with social media. She ridicules them for having only nineteen friends while she has 600 plus friends. That commercial irritates me every time I see it because the truth is – she doesn’t have 600 plus friends. She probably has never met more than a dozen or so of the people she is communicating with. They have nothing vested in her life and she has nothing vested in theirs but she, like so many others, is falsely lulled into believing that she has a multitude of “friends”.
Social media can be a good thing – don’t get me wrong. Good if it is used correctly but today’s generations have become enslaved to it and have become desensitized to relationships with actual people. Because of the fears imposed by political correctness, the lack of any value systems enforced by political correctness and the enslavement of communication through computers, people have no real comprehension or emotions in regards to the value of life of another human being because those people are not real. They’re just words on a screen. They’re expendable if you get bored with them. They’re expendable if they don’t provide you with what you want. They’re really “nothings”. And if you feel fed up, angry, and have a tantrum because you are not getting your way – then it’s okay to go out and shoot up some of those unreal people because they were interfering with your life and they don’t really matter anyway. Killing a “nothing” is easy. Killing something you have no connection with – no understanding of and no emotional connection with is easy.
Last week’s killings will not be the last. I think we’ve just seen the beginning of the tip of the iceberg on what is to come. We have millions and millions of unconnected children growing up. The only one who has any value to them is themselves. If you want to stand back and let political correctness and desensitized communications continue to flourish – then you only have yourselves to blame for what is to come because then you ARE part of the problem.
If you want things to change then you must be willing to fight back against political correctness and fight for the values that once made us all great. Help the children of today know who they are, where they belong in life, what a real family unit is, where they need to give thanks for what they have in life and an understanding for what they don’t have. We need to instill in them the need to value the lives of others as well as themselves. We need to teach them to love the family, to love God and to love their country. We need to communicate face to face. We need to stand up against anything and anyone who tries to take any of this away. If we don’t – then the killings will just get easier and easier.
Politically incorrect,
Chris Broome