We are all allowed to have our own opinions about everything and anything and, here in the United States of America, we are all FREE to openly express those opinions. At least that’s one of the principals that this nation was founded upon. But is that principal still true? From what I see, read and hear nowadays – the answer is a sad and heartbreaking “no”.
People throughout hundreds if not thousands of generations have always had differences of opinions, beliefs and value systems and everyone accepted that. There was nothing wrong with having different opinions and, in fact, those opinions helped us to understand each other more and to appreciate each other as an equal. How did this appreciation of differences get so turned upside-down and inside-out to the point that instead of acceptance we now find open hatred and persecution with a constant battle being waged to demoralize and crush anyone who has a different belief and understanding than our own?
(Photo by: escoladedomingo.logspot.com)
I am certain that there will be a number of people who will disagree with me on this and that is okay because I do still believe in allowing others to have different opinions but - it is my opinion that there is so much hatred in the world today because religion has been taken out of the foundation of our lives. I know immediately some will be saying, “There you go again – bringing religion into it – how weak – how lame.” To that I say, “There you go again – avoiding truth just because it doesn’t allow you to have a blank check to do whatever it is you want to do.”
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A recent event that highlights this breakdown in acceptance of differences and spotlights the attack upon Christianity is the venomous rhetoric spewed out against Dan Cathy, President of the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A. Mr. Cathy recently stated that the family owned business is “supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit.” He then went on to say, “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.” As soon as Mr. Cathy’s statement came out the gay-right activists and liberal organizations came out of the woodwork decrying how horrible Mr. Cathy was and that he was attacking them. Mr. Cathy did no such thing – not even slightly. He merely lent his support to traditional marriage as defined by God. He was not casting judgment on anyone – he was simply stating his belief and opinion. But, what the leftist have revealed in this incident, as well as so many others, is that it is okay to espouse support for gay marriage but it is heresy to espouse support for traditional marriage. Once again – how hypocritical.
This event also highlights why religion is pushed aside because the truth it brings goes against what they want – a lifestyle that is anything but supportive of God. Mr. Cathy was unequivocally right when he stated that this “generation has a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.” Anything that goes against the laws of nature and God is wrong – BUT – we are all free to choose our own actions whether they be right or wrong. So if you want to be different and follow a different lifestyle then so be it – that is your right – BUT – don’t you dare deny me the same right to choose my lifestyle – one based with God at its foundation. It is I and those like me who do accept you (though not your values) – even with your differences. It is you who do not accept us. It is you who have brought hatred and turmoil to this world. That hatred and turmoil are the very fruits you have garnered through your wrong actions.
For many decades now those opposed to God and His words have been gaining ground and stifling Christianity on all fronts. If we who claim to be Christians continue to sit back and let the battle against our faith go unchallenged by bowing down to threats, intimidation and bullying by the radical non-Christians and liberalism, then we will have only ourselves to blame when we wake up one day and find that religion, all religions, have been banned and anyone trying to live by spiritual principals will be jailed. God instructed us to proclaim His word. His word is truth. God told us “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” What does this mean? It means that we are to proclaim to the world what is right no matter how much we are attacked for pointing out what is true – and we will be attacked. We are to proclaim but we are not to force others to follow the right path - a path that if followed by all would lead us all to peace, joy and happiness.
Can we find the peace, joy and happiness that we have been promised? I believe that one day we shall but we will have to endure a period of great darkness before that day - a darkness that is already casting its shadow upon us.
Sounding off for truth,
Chris Broome
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