
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Have you ever taken the time to think about what actually made the United States of America so great?  Was it the American dream where everyone had the chance to make something of themself? Not the same "something" economically or notariety, but something that brought them pride and joy and a feeling of accomplishment.  Was it our technological advances that often sprang forward long before other parts of the world could enjoy them? Was it our open religious freedom for all religions?  Was it the fact that every U.S. citizen age 18 and up could actually take a vote on who their leaders would be and take them out if they didn't uphold the values, laws and beliefs of the U.S. Constitution and the people?  Was it that we could say what was on our mind no matter what and not feel threatened that what we said wasn't going along with the "collective" mindset?  Was it that we could fail and no matter how devastating the failure was, we could pick ourselves up and push forward - finding great success that was, in turn, admired by others?  Was it that we all knew that everyone had the equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - but that didn't mean we had equal rights to everything in life at the same amounts and same quantities?

I have thought about what made the U.S. so great a lot lately and all of the above came to mind.  But America isn't so great anymore and she's fading fast.  So why is she fading?  First, people don't really believe in the American dream anymore.  Instead of admiring and praising someone who has achieved success, they trample on them, condemn them, believe life has been unfair to themselves and that the person who achieved success "owes" them some of that success.  The mindset is that the achiever is the bad guy and the under-achiever should be 'taken care of'.

Moral values for the masses have completely disappeared.  Not wanting to face their immorality, attacks turned toward religion.  Many now call the Bible a book of hatred.  A moral person makes an immoral person feel bad.  That makes the moral person the "bad" person.  Therefore, religions must be done away with.  In fact, religion tells a person that they must "work" for what they have and to not live off of handouts.  That makes millions of people mad - so down with religion.

The youth have been being taught for the last 20 plus years that the Founding Fathers were flawed - that written history is wrong, that the U.S. Constitution was meant for a time back in the late 1700's but was never meant for the 2000s.  America needs to be "fundamentally" changed and to do that, the youth must "fundamentally" change their parents.  Parents who speak against the "collective" mindset need to be put in their place.  In fact, any American citizen who speaks out againt the "collective" mindset is a "terrorist".

Finally, there is no such thing as the "individual" worth anymore. It's what a person's role is in the community.  All attempts to better themselves financially, morally or religiously should be frawned upon because those kinds of people are "selfish", "greedy" and should, therefore, be "eliminated".  Rather, people are here to serve their government.  The government does not serve them but "provides" for them.

The contrast between these two America's is frightingly vast. So, again, what really made America so great?  It's really simple - we were a "united" people!  That's why we put it in our country's name - the "United" States of America.  That doesn't mean we didn't have differences - differences are healthy for growth - but we were united in purpose - we were united in the value and worth of each individual - we were united in our goals to remain free from tyranny - we were united in the love of country - we were united in the defense of our country - we were united in accepting our differences and thriving off of those differences - we were united in protecting the rights of each citizen - we were united rich or poor, healthy or sick, educated or uneducated - we were UNITED!

The world has seen this strong, unpenetrable bond of unitedness.  They saw it in the mid 1700's when young boys and men, untrained in war, fought a great nation to win its freedom.  They saw it when Pearl Harbor was hit.  They saw it on 9/11.  They have seen it countless other times and knew that America could never be destroyed from "without".  And that was the key word - from "without".  So, in order to bring down America, you must destroy her from "within".

I know that many people point the finger at Obama as being the destroyer.  But this bringing down of America from within has been a war that has been raging for nearly 100 years.  There have been many "progressives" along that century decline who bit by bit have been gnawing away at the internal organs of the country.  Like a cancer - over the century - it has spread.  They began with entitlement programs during and after the world wars.  They continued on by the implementation of taxes (a cause that the Founding Fathers fought against). Throughout this time, the government was growing, getting its hand into every conceivable aspect of every person's life.  A government created to "serve" the people was now becoming the government who the people must serve.

The 100 year cancer is in full bloom now and Obama is its poster child.  He opitimizes just how gangerous that cancer is.  He has for the past 5 years matastized the cancerous growth by corrupting race to pit itself against race.  To push the non-religious against the religious.  To turn success into being criminal - creating a humungous divide among the classes.  He has pulled the safety guards of the U.S. Constitution out from under the nation's feet.  He is meticulously catapaulting us into becoming a dead nation.  And all of this has and is being done from "within".  Our enemies can smell victory coming.

Will they get their victory?  Will America truly fall?  I think not.  I think she will be reborn and this time she will be stronger than ever.  This time she will be unimpenetrable from without and from within!  But there will be much bloodshed spilt before she rises up.  There will be a Second American Revolution - the likes of which this world has never seen before.  But that revolution shall begin from "within".  The cancerous cancer must be "cut out".  A civil war of cleansing will take place.  Many good people will perish but good will be victorious over the evil in the end.  And while the world sits watching, waiting to pounce upon the perceived dying weakness of America - she will turn and face them -once again UNITED!  Father and son joined arm in arm.  Mother and daughter joined hand-in-hand.  Brothers and sisters fighting a common cause with equal determination. - Yes, America is down - but she will never be out - and that is the enemies biggest weakness!  A weakness that I now think they are starting to see - a weakness that will begin to burst forward in 2016!

Friday, October 4, 2013


The other day I overhead a group of people talking as I was waiting for the train.  Getting bits and pieces of their conversation, I asked what the subject was.  Smiling, an elderly gentleman turned to me and said, "We were debating about what each of us would prefer.  Would we rather have freedom in today's world or safety?"

As soon as the gentlemen told me the topic, several people started to speak up about what they thought.  One person said safety today was more important. They said that after 911, we, as Americans, learned how unsafe we were and so they were glad that the govenment had stepped in to make us safer.  Another person spoke up and said that in order for the government to make us safer, we had to willingly give up some of our freedom.  Was giving up some of our freedoms worth the extra safety?

I immediately said, "Anyone who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither."  Of course, I wasn't the first to make such a statement.  Benjamin Franklin stated the same thing during the American Revolution.  Franklin said, "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."

There are several problems that come forth when you become willing to give up your freedoms.  First, once it is given up - it is never given back.  Second, you give the government an inch and they'll take a mile.  Since the aftermath of 911 when so many Americans were eagerly willing to give up some of their freedom for safety, the decline of many American freedoms has been rapid.  In just a little over a decade, America is nothing like what she was before the sell off of freedom.  Today we have a sitting government that believes it can fully trample on every and all rights of American citizens.

This week President Obama, along with Harry Reid, has held the country hostage.  Oh they spew forth lies that the government shut down is due to the Republicans but they fail to let the public know (and mainstream media fails to let the public know) that the Republicans voted to fund every part of the government except for Obamacare.  That really ticked Obama and his cronies off. So Obama himself shut the government down - not the Republicans. This is Obama's mentally unstable method to try and bully the Republicans into giving in to his demands.  Why is Obama and the left wing so adament about imposing Obamacare on the American public? Because it goes towards taking more freedoms away.  Oh they disguise it by saying it will provide healthcare benefits to more people but, in truth, millions of people will be without healthcare coverage because it is way too costly.  It also imposes upon the American citizens a "law" that they MUST have insurance.  The U.S. Constitution directly states that the government cannot do this.  You cannot force people to buy something they either don't want or cannot afford.

But in addition to healthcare, Obamacare covers a lot more ground than health. Under Obamacare, which goes into effect on January 1, 2014, law enforcement officials and government officials will be able to search and seize your property without a warrant and without cause.  It's part of the "freedom" Americans were willing to give up to have Obamacare.  The Constitution forbids this.  But Obama has never followed the Constitution.  Obama has made himself a dictator and whatever he wants - he does.  He ignores our judicial government procedures.  That is what a dictator does.

This week, under the "limited" government shutdown (as 80% of the government is still up and operating), Obama has denied WWII veterans the right to visit monuments (that aren't even under the government's control but are privately owned).  When the veterans pushed through to see these monuments, which was their "right", Obama put up fences and surround the monuments with armed guards.  They have orders to shoot anyone trying to get through the fences.  Obama gave the order to shoot and kill American citizens who only want to visit a "publicly owned" monument.  What President in their right mind would do this?  What other President ever has?  How devious does one have to be?  How is it that he still has followers?  Obama has absolutely no legal right or authority to do this - not as President of the United States.  But he doesn't see himself as the President but as the Dictator and he is very willing to crush American citizens for his own personal, warped agendas.

Each day we can see more and more freedoms being riped away - all because Americans were willing to give up freedoms for safety.  Now, in today's America - we have little freedom and even less safety.  As Obama swings his muscle arm more violently each day - it only makes you wonder - how long will it be before this country will see another revolution?  How long will Americans stand back - looking for safety as they are deceived by entitlements - only to wake up and find that they neither have safety nor freedom?

I really feel sorry for the children of today because they are not growing up in a free republic as I did.  They do not have the freedoms that I did.  They are being "fundamentally transformed" into the kinds of people our forefathers fought against to obtain "freedom".  Our younger generations, because of the actions of Americans who willing gave up "freedom" for "safety" are now doomed to a life of enslavement.  Are we proud Americans now?

Friday, May 17, 2013


            Okay, it has been a couple of months since I added to this sounding off blog.  That had nothing to do with not having anything to sound off about but, rather, if you have been watching the news of late, it was because there are so many things hitting the proverbial fan that I couldn’t focus on just which outrageously, ridiculous, criminal, communistic, godless atrocity to address first.

(Kermit Gosnell: Courtesy of:

            There was the trial of Philadelphia’s Dr. Kermit Gosnell who carelessly butchered thousands of innocent babies through abortions.  On March 13, 2013, Dr. Gosnell was blessedly found guilty and sentenced to three life terms – without parole.  But Dr. Gosnell is not alone in this horrific crime against little babies – there are thousands upon thousands of doctors who should receive the same fate.

(Courtesy of:

            Then there has been the uncovering of the educational indoctrination program known as Common Core.  The slithering worms behind this odorous hunk of manure have undercut – or rather completely disregarded - the rights of every parent to be informed of what their children are being taught in the schools.  The Common Core program doesn’t focus on educating our children in reading, writing and arithmetic but, rather, indoctrinates them to undermine their parents (spotlighting them as the ‘enemy’ in their lives while the government is their ‘friend’), pushes them to accept all devious forms of lifestyles regardless of family and religious values and at the same time, demoralizes them if they have or believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage (it’s the mindset of you MUST accept us but your values and beliefs are UNACCEPTABLE – so much for tolerance), demeans our Founding Fathers and paints them as being ‘misguided’, promotes the communistic/collectivism societal way of living and castigates free enterprise, freedom of speech, individual accomplishments, self-reliance, God, ethics, morals, the family unit and the ‘pursuit of happiness’.  In fact, Melissa Harris-Perry, who is strongly behind Common Core, actually publically stated the mindset of the push behind this program when she stated that – the problem with education is that parents think their kids belong to them and are their responsibility when, in fact, children belong to the community.  What absolutely utter garbage that is.  But, this is exactly what our children are being indoctrinated with every single day.  They are being taught that their parents are the enemy and that they must teach their parents to change their values and thinking to align with the collectivism mindset.  There is no room for individuality in society.  The words that come out of Ms. Harris-Perry’s mouth are horrific at best.  I can’t believe that a sane human would ever even think of such a preposterous thing, let alone say it – but they do.

Check out what Ms. Harris-Perry had to say at:

          (The Nikolayevs: Courtesy of

            There was also the story about Anna and Alex Nikolayev of California who had their infant baby taken away from them by police under the directive of Child Protective Services (CPS) simply because they had sought a second opinion regarding his medical condition and treatment.  I have been an advocate of highlighting the illegal and dangerous practices of CPS and how they have elevated themselves above the law when it comes to our children.  They routinely criminalize innocent parents - not to protect our children but, rather, to make a financial profit for themselves because they see children as dollar signs since removing them from their parents (let’s call it for what it is – kidnapping) provides them with monetary rewards.  What I did enjoy about this story was that it made a growing concern PUBLIC.  Of course the Nikolayev’s story isn’t unique – they just got media coverage.  But it is happening every single day in this country.  Maybe this case will now shed light on the racket of stealing children for profit – pimped by CPS.

            Next we have the whistleblowers behind the Benghazi incident.  Obama and his dominions are neck deep in fecal matter on this but still they play their spin.  And, as predictable, mainstream media does their best to cover up for him and simply does not report on the treasonous acts he and his “zombies” have committed and continue to commit.  Obama was running guns to his Muslim Brotherhood buddies – to arm them to attack Americans and Israelites and who knows who else.  The evidence against Obama, etc. is beyond mountainous and yet, no one seems to be willing to do anything about it.

            Of course the latest vomit to come out is the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, religious groups and conservative individuals.  Attorney General Eric Holder shakes his head and cries that he didn’t know anything about it.  He had recused himself.  Yeah, right – and the moon really is nothing more than green cheese.  Of course Holder has no written record of his recusal and can’t remember who he put in charge (both acts in violation of the recusal procedure – but don’t worry, he’s bound to “create something”).  Please – how long can the American public remain blind to what is so obvious and smells like fish guts.  The White House answers by requesting the resignation of Steven Miller, the acting head of the IRS.  What the White House failed to disclose was the Miller was already set to retire in just three weeks anyways.  The invasion the IRS has made into personal privacy is criminal and extremely frightening.  They will soon be in charge of Obamacare.  Does that mean conservatives will be denied medical aid if their values oppose the liberal mindset.  It just might be what we will be looking at.

            Okay, then there was the tapping of phones at AP.  Finally the media is getting a taste of what they have been supporting – Obama’s tactics.  Oh what a crime that has been committed upon them.  Wake up – Obama and his troops have been committing that crime for 5 years now – they’ve only gotten bigger and bolder in their actions.  They say they support the freedom of the press out of the corner of their mouths.  What they are really saying is that they support the freedom of the press so long as the press glorifies and praises the government – but if they reveal anything negative – they will pay the consequences.  Obama himself stated that he would ‘punish’ anyone who doesn’t go along with his ideals, beliefs, values and fundamental change and he would reward those who do.

            Though not widely reported – and it leaves you to wondering way – America’s Navy Seals are being killed left and right.  This has never ever happened in the history of the Navy Seals.  Why is Obama having them eliminated – yes you heard me – Obama is having them eliminated.  Why?  What is he planning?  Clearly he needs to eliminate a well trained group to leave the rest of us vulnerable.

            How about the Boston Marathon bombing?  I am originally from Boston so I have some pretty strong ties there.  But clearly there is cover-ups going on there.  Why was a Saudi secreted out of the country?  A Saudi who has been officially linked to the bombers themselves and yet Washington will say that there is “no” connection - just like they said that Benghazi was due to a film.  It all simply reeks to high heaven.  Marshall Law was imposed on the people of Boston.  Residents were treated with disrespect, their homes invaded – without warrants – an act in violation of the U.S. Constitution.  I commend the police for tracking down the terrorists and the hours they put in – I have no beef with them.  However, I do wonder if Boston was just a testing ground for Obama.  He wanted to see how a Marshal Law order would be accepted by the people without question.  Makes you wonder where the next “test” will be and how soon might it be before it is imposed on the entire nation.

            Obama stated while he was running for office that he wanted to “fundamentally” change this country and the world.  Little did people know that his “fundamental” change was leading them like lambs to the slaughter.  But he has made good on his promise – America is fundamentally changed – and not for the better.

            As you can see, a lot has happened since my last posting but besides seeing the devastating carnage our country is in, I have noticed something else.  I am seeing a crack in the lining of the Obama administration.  I had come to believe that we had long since past the point of no return that made this country so great.  Where family values were honored, where everyone had the freedom to speak, to bare arms, to build and grow a business, to live by their religious values, to become self-sustaining, to respect each other, to respect our elders – to live in peace.  But know I am seeing and understanding something different.  Yes, we can’t go back to what was – but we can push forward through the darkness into the light where good prevails and good always prevails.  We may see many, many dark days ahead of us but the crack in that darkness has already appeared.  That crack will widen – sooner than many of you believe.  We have passed the point of no return – but it is not the point of no return for good – it is the point of no return for evil.

            “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” [Psalm 23:4]

            We are now living in the valley of the shadow of death – but fear not, we have God on our side.  We will be victorious in the end.  I only hope enough people wake up and start taking action to split that crack wide open!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013



Up until now I have stayed out of the debate on gun control.  Not because I don’t believe in the Second Amendment, because I do, but because, well as my mother always told me when I was growing up, “you can’t fight every battle so choose your battles wisely,” and I believed that the gun control battle was one I just didn’t want to fight.  That is until this past week when I heard Senator Evie Hudak, a democratic senator of Colorado, look directly at a rape victim, Amanda Collins, and tell her that though her “story” of being victimized and raped was terrible, her right to bear a concealed gun wouldn’t have helped her and that the issue wasn’t on whether she had a “right to defend herself” but on whether her carrying a concealed weapon made other people feel “uncomfortable”.  When I heard that my first thought was – I MUST BE LIVING ON A DIFFERENT PLANET.  WHERE DID MY PLANET GO? - I’m sorry Senator, but the U.S. Constitution guarantees her the RIGHT to defend herself.  It trumps anyone’s feeling of being comfortable or uncomfortable and as a Senator, you are sworn to uphold that Constitution.

How did we become so upside down in our compassion, or lack thereof, that we now can re-victimize rape victims and think that is okay.  Oh – we’re sorry for you – but we have to think about others’ “feelings” over what happened to you?  We're all about the "collective", not the individual.  That thinking is beyond being crazy.  It is sheer insanity.  It’s just as insane as the incident that happened a week or so back where a young man broke into a home to rob it and the elderly homeowner used his “legal” gun to shoot the intruder.  The thief’s mother had the audacity to try and make the homeowner look like the criminal.  She even had the gall to say he should have warned her son that he had a gun – as if that would have done anything to stop him.  Well maybe her son should have announced that he was going to be breaking in.  This is all just pure insanity and doesn’t even come close to representing anything remotely resembling a civilized society.

Why was the Second Amendment Established?

The U.S. Colonies were being terrorized by King George III and his Red Coats.  When the citizens of the colonies had had enough they fought and won their freedom.  In order to protect the citizens from ever falling under another domineering, overbearing government, the Second Amendment became part of the Bill of Rights to ensure that each and every U.S. citizens would have the right to defend themselves.  Per the Second Amendment, it states: “… the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” [emphasis added]  What does that mean?  It means that the government, federal and state, have no power – no authority to regulate any citizens’ right to bear arms, whatever arms that might be whether a handgun or an assault rifle or anything else.  The people’s “right” shall not be infringed.  To try and do so is unconstitutional and hardly enforceable.


What is really behind the gun control push?

As I initially stated, I wanted to stay out of the gun control issue.  I, personally, am afraid of guns, mostly because I didn’t grow up around them so I am not comfortable with them nor do I know how to correctly use one.  However, just because I am not comfortable with them, I do not believe anyone should be denied their Constitutional right to have one or two or however many they desire.  Besides, it’s not an issue that I have with guns – after all guns don’t get up and walk on their own or shoot on their own – it’s the issue that I have with the mentality of the people holding the guns, i.e., the criminals who use guns to prey on the innocent.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we sent our military into battle without guns because it might make the enemy feel uncomfortable?  I can tell you that it would be a very short lived battle and you have only one guess as to who the victor would be.  How about the police?  How many criminals would they catch if all they could do to stop the criminal was to vomit on them?  Guess we wouldn’t need prisons anymore now would we.  And how many rapes would be prevented if the perpetrator knew that the worse thing that could happen to them would be if the victim peed on them.  Gosh – I guess that would eliminate rapes altogether.  Ah-huh.

Facts and statistics show (Senator Hudak) that when an enemy or criminal is aware that their intended victim is armed or may be armed, that the crime itself is prevented.  In Kennesaw, Georgia, citizens are required to have a firearm in their household.  The crime rate in Kennesaw is barely registerable.  However, in areas were there are firearm free zones, the crime rate is off the charts.  Hey, they’ll be no resistance so it becomes a field day for the criminal.  It doesn’t take a mad scientist to figure this out.  So why then are so many politicians, especially on the left, pushing for gun controls?


Hitler forbade any Jew to have weapons.  Why?  Easy - he had a planned out agenda.  What was his agenda?  To eventually round up the Jews, have complete control over them and, eventually, to annihilate them.  By removing their rights to bear arms, he subjugated them to be dominated and unable to defend themselves.  Why then do Obama and his administration want to limit and infringe upon our Constitutional right to bear arms?  This isn’t complicated math here – there is an agenda – an agenda that the left isn’t even trying to hide anymore - an agenda that doesn’t care about the right to defend oneself.

I have heard and read time and time again people baulking and saying, “We only want to ban assault rifles” but that is simply not true – in fact, it is very far from the truth.  There are over 150 different firearms on the ban list, including handguns.  But there will not be an all out attack on all guns at first – NO – they will target one, then stretch that target to two, then three.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  Only a complete idiot would not be able to see that.  But as blinded Germans followed Hitler, so are blinded American’s following Obama.  These men count on people’s blindness to accomplish their goals.

The federal government is buying up ammunition for all makes and models of guns in droves.  Why?  What do they need with all the ammunition?  First, they want to keep the ammunition out of the hands of American citizens.  Have your guns – you just won’t have any bullets to put in those guns.  Second – control.  The government is gearing up for a civil war – them against us.  They will have all the guns, all the ammunition, even battle ready tanks to be used against the citizens of the United States.  This is NOT a conspiracy theory but hardcore, unquestionable facts.  Facts that are even now starting to be leaked by the mainstream media.

The true fact is that there are far less crimes being committed today that involve firearms.  However, when a crime is committed, such as the school shootings, the government and the media is quick to capitalize on them.  Tragic as these may be, the issue is not that guns were used but that crazies are living among us.  But the government and the media focus all their energies on making the villain the guns.  Why?  Because they are steering you down a path to make you voluntarily give up your Constitutional rights to bear arms whereby they can render you weak and defenseless.  Once that is accomplished – their agenda to have total and complete domination over you will be fulfilled.  Their next step will more than likely involve annihilations of those who opposed them.

I guess now I’ve chosen a new battle to fight and that’s the battle to protect each and every U.S. citizen’s right to bear arms.  From what I sense is coming – we’re going to need them.  Look at this like the parable of the 10 Virgins where 5 filled their lamps with oil and 5 did not.  When the groom came, the 5 Virgins with oil in their lamps were let into his home while the 5 who did not were locked outside.  When civil war breaks out here – those who have not prepared will be on the outside with only themselves to blame.  So you ask yourself – which side are you going to be on?  For me – I choose the Right side!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Throughout history people have divided themselves up into a class system, separating the wealthy from the poor, the educated from the uneducated, from those born on the east side of the track from those born on the west side of the track, from those born into wealth and those who acquired wealth later on in their life, and the list goes on and on.  In a simpler term, class systems define those that “have” from those that “have not”.

With the divides imposed by class systems, tensions tended to rise high, especially when those “who have” preyed upon those “who have not”.  Rebellions, uprisings and even the demise of entire societies have succumbed to the outcries of injustices and inequalities suffered by the masses to the benefit of the few.

Class Systems in the United States of America

The United States of America has not been immune to its own class system.  However, in the U.S. the class system was not seen as a way to separate people from those who have and those who have not but to separate those from “want to be successful” [lower class], “starting to achieve success” [middle class] and “reaching the top tiers of success” [upper class].  In other words, people in the U.S. believed in and lived by the “American Dream”.  It didn’t matter if you only had a penny to your name – you could work hard and one day, perhaps, become the next Rockefeller.  Everyone had a shot at becoming really successful.

Centuries have gone by since the establishment of the U.S. and with its class system it grew into the greatest country on Earth.  No – it has never been absolutely perfect on every single front or issue – but it has, by far, come the closest to perfection when it came to being able to pursue your dreams and bringing those dreams forth into reality.  We cried with those who saw failures, cheered with those who stood back up and wiped themselves off and celebrated with those that finally realized the success and fulfillment of their dreams.  In fact, the successes of another were often felt as the success of our own as it held us onto the hopes and dreams that the American Dream was alive and well and kicking for generations upon generations.

That was the American class system of yesteryear.  Today things are different.  Today the American Dream is no longer held onto as a positive hope for success.  Today anyone who achieves the American Dream is vilified.  Why?  What happened?  What have we become?

What made the American Dream so perfect was that everyone encouraged each other to achieve success and yet everyone was also very completely aware of the fact that not everyone would achieve total success at the very same level.  It was also true the not everyone held the same idea of what “success” meant.  For some it was achieving financial wealth, for others it meant simply owning a home, others to have good health and for others just to be able to live in freedom, put in a good day of work and know that everything on your plate was earned – not given.  You had pride in what you accomplished with your own sweat.

The American Dream has, however, been slowly slipping away for the past few decades as greed began to seep in to the hearts of men.  Not so much greed on the part of those who have achieved success but on the part of those who have not.  Rather then admire the successes of others - people began to despise those who had more.  Of course, credit card companies and banks capitalized on this by throwing credit cards and loans out to the masses like Santa Claus throws out candy at the end of the Macy’s Parade.  And we gobbled it up, living well beyond our means.  But like anything in life, there comes a time to pay the piper.

With the economic collapse being felt worldwide, creditors began calling in their cards and people found they couldn’t pay up.  Instead of looking at themselves as being the culprits to their own downfall, they turned and pointed their fingers to those who have achieved success.  The corporations and white collar workers were the villains and they needed to be struck down.

Of course this finger pointing has also been ingrained into the mindset of those born over the past 20 to 30 years.  At no other time in the history of the world has there been a more narcissistic group of people than that which we have today.  The American Dream cannot survive that mentality because the American Dream is supporting the dreams of others, as well as yourself, but this narcissistic generation is only about thinking about themselves and only themselves and to hell with everyone else.  It’s the “I’m entitled to everything” generation, the “you owe me” generation, the “it’s unfair” generation and it’s the “give me” generation.

Fortunately for this narcissistic generation they have a friend sitting in the White House who is all too quick to answer their call.  His answer as we all know is the redistribution of wealth.

Redistribution: The Cry of a Narcissistic Society

What does the redistribution of wealth really mean?  It means taking away from those who have worked hard for what they have accomplished and giving a portion of it to those who do little to nothing for themselves but believe that since big bad wealthy man doesn’t need all that he has made, he should be required to give it to them – after all – that’s only fair.  Fair to them but not to him but – hey, that’s okay.  And so what if they haven’t “earned” it.  It’s not like that is their fault.  In fact, they should be given free education, free healthcare, have any debts they have acquired be written off, be given high salaries for entry level jobs, be given cars, big screen TVs, cellphones and the list is virtually endless.  Oh and his highness who sits in the White House nods his head in agreement and spews rhetoric to those greedy narcissists that he will make the wealthy “pay” for the unfairness.  (Never mind that he is extremely wealthy himself.)  He will also make sure that NO ONE else will ever be able to achieve the success of the American Dream.

Obama, Mainstream Media and Narcissism has Destroyed the U.S. Class System

With the narcissistic generations of today, Obama at their helm and the constant propaganda indoctrination by the mainstream media, the U.S. class system has corroded back to the destructive “haves” and “have not” that destroyed other societies.  Unchecked, the U.S. will become a two class system, those of the elitists and those who are enslaved to the elitists.  Those enslaved can never move out of their enslavement because they are “owned” by the government, they have become ignorant to the struggles of working hard as “big brother” provides for their every needs.  But eventually big brother can decide who needs to live and who needs to die.  It doesn’t take a mad scientist to understand that eventually the poor will suck the wealthy dry and then there will only be the poor.  Who will they turn to then?  To destroy the U.S. class system is to destroy everyone.  And the elitist who sit on top – their days will soon be numbered as well.  It always is.

Recently I read a question where someone asked, “Do the rich care about the poor and the middle class?”  To that I ask, “Do the poor and middle class care about the rich?”  At one time in the U.S. we all cared about each other.  At one time in the U.S. we didn’t even consider ourselves in need of having a class warfare.  At one time in the U.S. we were all stronger no matter what our station in life was.  At one time in life – we were all proud to be American citizens.  Now I only wonder where this class warfare will wind up taking us.

Monday, January 28, 2013

IS TAXING THE WEALTHY REALLY "FAIR" FOR ANYONE (including the poor and less fortunate)?


As the tax season is now upon us I’ve taken a special interest in reading article after article on our tax system and the results of the recent, supposed, fiscal cliff “save”.  No side is really satisfied with the results and everyone, including those whom this sitting administration swore to that they WOULD NOT raise their taxes, have found that, in fact, everyone’s taxes were raised.  Now some people may think that the 2% social security tax increase doesn’t amount to much.  Clearly, those people simply have absolutely no understanding that for millions the 2% increase has had a devasting impact on their lives.  Already struggling to make ends meet – now there is no meeting of the ends.  But this doesn’t address what this posting is all about – and that is: IS TAXING THE WEALTHY REALLY "FAIR" FOR ANYONE (including the poor and less fortunate)?

Okay – to begin with, let's get a few things cleared up.  This country was founded upon "individual" sovereign states.  The "federal" government was established for the purpose to SERVE and PROTECT each of those sovereign states with a united military force (be it Marines, Army, Airforce).  The federal government is to protect our shores and to represent the states abroad.  It is to maintain a higher court to hear and determine disputes that cannot be resolved at the state level.  As the country grew, the interstate highways fell under the federal government to maintain.

Senators, as they were first called, were appointed by the State’s governors to represent the state’s interests at the federal government level.   Congressmen were elected by the people of a state and sent to the federal government to represent the people of each state.

So, how do we fund a federal government that is to protect all of the sovereign states with a military and to maintain our interstates and higher court?  We support it through the payment of taxes.  Those taxes are to provide salaries for the federal government officials, pay the military, pay the Supreme Court Justices and to purchase and maintain weaponery and bases, etc., as well as to build and maintain roads and bridges.  And that's it.

We have state governments who are established to serve the people, maintain local roadways, bridges, establish public schools, establish local military and to provide "temporary" aid to those citizens who fall in need of aid.  It also sends Senators to represent it at the federal government level and it sends Congressmen elected by the people to represent their interests.  And, how do we fund this governmental body?  Again - through taxes.

NO WHERE and I do mean NO WHERE is there any law or provision stating that the "federal" government is to provide any aid (financial or medical) to any U.S. citizen (let’s not even talk about illegals at this point.  That’s open for a whole separate blog posting).  That is NOT its purpose – nor has it ever been its purpose.  The U.S. Constitution does not "guarantee" anyone to have financial aid, medical aid, college tuition, TV's, cellphones, housing, food, or anything else.  NO ONE is ENTITLED to any of that.  This American political system is what Obama detests.  He has stated while he was still a Senator that he did not like the fact that the Constitution only told the government what it cannot do for the people.  Instead, Obama wants the Constitution to spell out what the federal government can "do to" the people.  The Founding Fathers purposefully made certain that the federal government couldn't ever "do to" the people.  When a government does “to” the people – the government becomes corrupt with powers.  Our federal government’s purpose, again, is to protect and serve the states - not rule over them and most certainly not to be their big brother.

People do experience hard times in their lives.  Where do they get aid?  Simply put, there are three places where an individual or family should turn to in times of trouble and hardships.  First is to seek help from family (immediate and extended).  When that cannot be obtained then you seek aid from your church - whatever church that may be.  Lastly, you seek aid from your local and state government.  This aid is only temporary - set up to help you get back on your own two feet.  It was never meant to be a "life long career".  Going to the federal government was not nor should it ever be an option.

So let's get back to taxes now.  Taxes today have gotten unbelievably high for two reasons and two reasons alone – that being government overspending and "entitlement" programs.

Those people who are screaming against corporations and people who just happen to earn a good deal of money - calling those people selfish, greedy, etc., etc., etc., are, in truth, the ones who are actually the selfish and greedy ones.  Listen up folks - you are NOT ENTITLED to a damned thing outside of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Pursuit means actively seeking - actively working for.  Get off your butt and work for a living like the rest of us.  I don't care if you have to sling hamburgers (which, by the way, there is nothing wrong with that) - at least it gives you dignity to work for what you have.  Taxing the owner of the hamburger establishment will not help you with your salary, your benefits or anything else.  You need to stop whining about “poor” me and get up and start working.  I don't care if you have to work 2 or 3 jobs (I already do) - but stand up and take pride in yourself and your own accomplishments and stop crying like a baby, pointing a finger at those who do work and say, "BUT THAT's NOT FAIR.  THEY NEED TO GIVE ME THEIR MONEY."

When some people shout that they think it is only “fair”, what this implies is that what is “fair” to one is “unfair” to another – so, is that really being fair?  Kids constantly cry, "But that's not fair."  What they are really saying is, "But I'm not getting MY way."  People WANT undeserved "entitlements" and when they say it would be unfair to NOT tax the wealthy more, what they are saying is "But I'm not getting more of what I WANT.  I might even lose the FREE stuff I'm getting."  Of course nothing really is free because people like me are paying for everything you are getting for doing nothing - but you see that as being "fair".  I make less than $50,000 a year for a family of 6 - so I hardly consider myself to be among the "wealthy" - but "entitlements" are killing me and taking food out of my kids’ mouths.  (annonymous)

We all (rich, poor and everywhere in between) are responsible to help financially support our local, state and federal government in the roles that they were created and designed for, i.e., to serve the states and people and, therefore, some taxes are absolutely necessary.  But again – just what is fair? What is truly fair?  I believe it is a flat tax for everyone with NO loopholes for anyone or any corporation.  If we had a 10% flat tax across the board, the revenue it would generate would be astonishing.  If you made something like $1,000 a year, you would then have to pay $100.  If you made $10,000 a year, you would have to pay $1,000.  If you made $100,000 a year, you would have pay $10,000, and so on.  It really is the only "FAIR" tax rate.  Everyone, regardless of their income, would have to contribute 10% of that income to cover their local, state and federal obligations.  (Church obligations would be a voluntary and individual contribution.)  Under the flat tax there would be no need to file yearly income tax returns.  There would be no refunds and there would be no one having to pay.

Until and unless a truly "fair" tax is imposed upon everyone, we will continue to have heated outbursts, friction and outright animosity towards our fellow man.  However, if we would all step back and unbiasedly take a good look at our country, how it was founded, how the federal and state governments were established to act on OUR behalf, then only then could we take those results and, as a united people, vote into office those who would make the right choices for us all - not just interest groups.

Sounding Off,

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The main purpose of starting this blog was to focus on finding the truth.  So much truth has been distorted in today's world.  Histories are being rewritten, criminalizing people we once loved, respected and reveried while at the same time bestowing honor to those we despised (such as Hitler and Stalin).  What was once good is now deemed to be bad and what was once bad is now deemed to be misunderstood and actually good.  We are living in an upside world - filled with a total disregard to natural human common sense.

A few years ago as I was pondering the hypocrasy our world finds itself in, I thought about how this will all affect the youth.  They are being taught so much falsehood as being truth.  What will their world be like?  Where will their allegiances lie?  With the continuing decay of the family unit and religion, what will be the foundation upon which they can stand?

I, as many do, believe that if the good and truth that once was in the world is ever to be restored, it will have to be done through the youth.  However, with so much taken away from them, how can that task ever be accomplished?

It is with those thoughts and questions running through my mind that a story evolved - a story of four youth who live in a new society established on Earth some 68 years after the vast majority of the people in the world were killed in a global holocaust.  The four friends stumble upon a secret Vault that contains the Earth's history - providing them with a mountain of new knowledge.  As knowledge of the world before the holocaust is forbidden, how can these four friends use that knowledge?  How can they restore truth?

My story is called "The Vault Keepers: The Journal".  As I began to write it, I soon discovered that the full story could not be told in one book so a series was born - a series that will include a total of five books in all.  Each book will follow the adventures of four youth (Kally, Quinn, Jade and Doc) as they try to learn and understand what has been taken from Earth, the value of staying committed to your cause in the midst of great adversity, the willingness to work and work hard for what you have and the worth of sacrifice that is needed to accomplish freedom.  There is humor, mystery, adventure, awakening, joys and hardships interwoven throughout the series.  For a more indepth review of book 1 (The Vault Keepers: The Journal), check out the review in the link below.  It also contains a few excerpts.

Although the story here is one of fiction, it is riddled with truth.  It is my hope that in the context of a work of fiction, the youth can begin a journey to understanding the truth that has been hidden from them.

Please go check out the review and - even better, please go pick up a copy of the book today!