
Wednesday, March 6, 2013



Up until now I have stayed out of the debate on gun control.  Not because I don’t believe in the Second Amendment, because I do, but because, well as my mother always told me when I was growing up, “you can’t fight every battle so choose your battles wisely,” and I believed that the gun control battle was one I just didn’t want to fight.  That is until this past week when I heard Senator Evie Hudak, a democratic senator of Colorado, look directly at a rape victim, Amanda Collins, and tell her that though her “story” of being victimized and raped was terrible, her right to bear a concealed gun wouldn’t have helped her and that the issue wasn’t on whether she had a “right to defend herself” but on whether her carrying a concealed weapon made other people feel “uncomfortable”.  When I heard that my first thought was – I MUST BE LIVING ON A DIFFERENT PLANET.  WHERE DID MY PLANET GO? - I’m sorry Senator, but the U.S. Constitution guarantees her the RIGHT to defend herself.  It trumps anyone’s feeling of being comfortable or uncomfortable and as a Senator, you are sworn to uphold that Constitution.

How did we become so upside down in our compassion, or lack thereof, that we now can re-victimize rape victims and think that is okay.  Oh – we’re sorry for you – but we have to think about others’ “feelings” over what happened to you?  We're all about the "collective", not the individual.  That thinking is beyond being crazy.  It is sheer insanity.  It’s just as insane as the incident that happened a week or so back where a young man broke into a home to rob it and the elderly homeowner used his “legal” gun to shoot the intruder.  The thief’s mother had the audacity to try and make the homeowner look like the criminal.  She even had the gall to say he should have warned her son that he had a gun – as if that would have done anything to stop him.  Well maybe her son should have announced that he was going to be breaking in.  This is all just pure insanity and doesn’t even come close to representing anything remotely resembling a civilized society.

Why was the Second Amendment Established?

The U.S. Colonies were being terrorized by King George III and his Red Coats.  When the citizens of the colonies had had enough they fought and won their freedom.  In order to protect the citizens from ever falling under another domineering, overbearing government, the Second Amendment became part of the Bill of Rights to ensure that each and every U.S. citizens would have the right to defend themselves.  Per the Second Amendment, it states: “… the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” [emphasis added]  What does that mean?  It means that the government, federal and state, have no power – no authority to regulate any citizens’ right to bear arms, whatever arms that might be whether a handgun or an assault rifle or anything else.  The people’s “right” shall not be infringed.  To try and do so is unconstitutional and hardly enforceable.


What is really behind the gun control push?

As I initially stated, I wanted to stay out of the gun control issue.  I, personally, am afraid of guns, mostly because I didn’t grow up around them so I am not comfortable with them nor do I know how to correctly use one.  However, just because I am not comfortable with them, I do not believe anyone should be denied their Constitutional right to have one or two or however many they desire.  Besides, it’s not an issue that I have with guns – after all guns don’t get up and walk on their own or shoot on their own – it’s the issue that I have with the mentality of the people holding the guns, i.e., the criminals who use guns to prey on the innocent.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we sent our military into battle without guns because it might make the enemy feel uncomfortable?  I can tell you that it would be a very short lived battle and you have only one guess as to who the victor would be.  How about the police?  How many criminals would they catch if all they could do to stop the criminal was to vomit on them?  Guess we wouldn’t need prisons anymore now would we.  And how many rapes would be prevented if the perpetrator knew that the worse thing that could happen to them would be if the victim peed on them.  Gosh – I guess that would eliminate rapes altogether.  Ah-huh.

Facts and statistics show (Senator Hudak) that when an enemy or criminal is aware that their intended victim is armed or may be armed, that the crime itself is prevented.  In Kennesaw, Georgia, citizens are required to have a firearm in their household.  The crime rate in Kennesaw is barely registerable.  However, in areas were there are firearm free zones, the crime rate is off the charts.  Hey, they’ll be no resistance so it becomes a field day for the criminal.  It doesn’t take a mad scientist to figure this out.  So why then are so many politicians, especially on the left, pushing for gun controls?


Hitler forbade any Jew to have weapons.  Why?  Easy - he had a planned out agenda.  What was his agenda?  To eventually round up the Jews, have complete control over them and, eventually, to annihilate them.  By removing their rights to bear arms, he subjugated them to be dominated and unable to defend themselves.  Why then do Obama and his administration want to limit and infringe upon our Constitutional right to bear arms?  This isn’t complicated math here – there is an agenda – an agenda that the left isn’t even trying to hide anymore - an agenda that doesn’t care about the right to defend oneself.

I have heard and read time and time again people baulking and saying, “We only want to ban assault rifles” but that is simply not true – in fact, it is very far from the truth.  There are over 150 different firearms on the ban list, including handguns.  But there will not be an all out attack on all guns at first – NO – they will target one, then stretch that target to two, then three.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  Only a complete idiot would not be able to see that.  But as blinded Germans followed Hitler, so are blinded American’s following Obama.  These men count on people’s blindness to accomplish their goals.

The federal government is buying up ammunition for all makes and models of guns in droves.  Why?  What do they need with all the ammunition?  First, they want to keep the ammunition out of the hands of American citizens.  Have your guns – you just won’t have any bullets to put in those guns.  Second – control.  The government is gearing up for a civil war – them against us.  They will have all the guns, all the ammunition, even battle ready tanks to be used against the citizens of the United States.  This is NOT a conspiracy theory but hardcore, unquestionable facts.  Facts that are even now starting to be leaked by the mainstream media.

The true fact is that there are far less crimes being committed today that involve firearms.  However, when a crime is committed, such as the school shootings, the government and the media is quick to capitalize on them.  Tragic as these may be, the issue is not that guns were used but that crazies are living among us.  But the government and the media focus all their energies on making the villain the guns.  Why?  Because they are steering you down a path to make you voluntarily give up your Constitutional rights to bear arms whereby they can render you weak and defenseless.  Once that is accomplished – their agenda to have total and complete domination over you will be fulfilled.  Their next step will more than likely involve annihilations of those who opposed them.

I guess now I’ve chosen a new battle to fight and that’s the battle to protect each and every U.S. citizen’s right to bear arms.  From what I sense is coming – we’re going to need them.  Look at this like the parable of the 10 Virgins where 5 filled their lamps with oil and 5 did not.  When the groom came, the 5 Virgins with oil in their lamps were let into his home while the 5 who did not were locked outside.  When civil war breaks out here – those who have not prepared will be on the outside with only themselves to blame.  So you ask yourself – which side are you going to be on?  For me – I choose the Right side!

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