
Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today, March 3, 2012, begins my first post to this Blog.  I've never blogged before - not certain I ever wanted to.  Blogging, from what I've heard, is kind of like writing in a diary - only this diary isn't private - it's open for the whole world to see.  Now why would I want to do that?

So, I started studying blogs.  Many are there to teach something - cooking, woodworking, blogging, etc, etc, etc, and some are just to sound off.  Me - I found myself falling into the category of wanting to sound off.  Sound off on what?  The current state of our world, our government, the medical field, the mental health industry, the public school system, the attack on religion, the attack on the family unit, political correctness (oh please - give me a break) and just about everything else.  I decided I wanted to enact my Constitutional right to free speech before that right totally disappears - and hold onto you hats folks because it's disappearing fast.

It was an awakening when I decided to create my very own blog.  Would anyone else even see it?  Did it matter if they did or didn't?  Honestly, I hope millions see it but even if I wind up being the only one - I want to record how I am personally seeing our world fall into oblivion.  If you are a religious person - what you are witnessing today is the days of the book of Revelation or - these are the last days.  Really - how much worse could it get?  Probably a whole lot worse but do we really want to sit around and watch it die and do nothing to stop it?  I know I don't but just what can I do?  That's the question I'm sure thousand, hundreds of thousands - if not millions of people are asking themselves on a regular basis.  "What can I do to stop the madness around me?"  If you're not religious - you probably don't care at all about what's happening cause it just doesn't matter.

Well I'm religious and I care!  What I don't know is what to do to stop it other than to sound off and hope that if enough of us sound off - it will lead to the actions to stop the madness.  So I'm sounding off in a blog.  Now - what to name the blog?  That was a challenge I hadn't expected.  It literally took me weeks.  However, I knew it had to do with truth - REAL truth - not propaganda truth.  It amazes me how much is thrown at us today by the media as being "truth" when in reality it has absolutely nothing to do with truth or is a twisted perversion of the truth.  But I'll address this issue in later posts.

Today, I want to give a little background on myself.  I grew up in Massachusetts, a staunch Democratic society. It didn't matter who you were, what station in life you found yourself in or what side of the track you were born on, we all believed we were part of the Kennedy dynasty.  A dynasty that fought for the rights of the "little" people against the "giant" corporations whose sole purpose was to stomp on the backs of the "little" people for their own warped financial gain.  Funny thing is, all those "little" people were dreaming of creating their own corporations so they could be rich.  Seems like a conflict of interest when I look back on it now.

As time went on and I began to learn, I found that many of the values of the Democratic system were quite opposite from my own values, were opposite from God's values.  So, I started really listening to the platforms of the Republican party.  I personally am very conservative - I have always been conservative and had believed the Democratic society echoed my own beliefs.  In many ways it did - in many ways it didn't.  Turning to listen to the Republican platform at first gave me a feeling of betrayal to all that I had known and grew up in.  Was I going to be turning into the greedy "corporation" mentality?  And that is the crux of the situation - Democrats believe society is the "little" people fighting against greedy "corporations".  That is probably the first real "false" truth that is engrained into the mindset of Democrats.

Breaking away from that mindset was a challenge but as I listened and learned of the Republican values, I found that they were by far more in align with my own - well, that was true - years ago.  Today, I believe that the Republican Party is also quickly falling away from its own conservative values by falling prey to the political correctness of our times.  Oh, there are some political entities out there still fighting for the conservative values but I believe far more politicians are bending to the popular ideals of the few while the popular ideals of the many are brushed aside.  In all, both Democrats and Republicans have fallen from truth and that makes it hard to understand where I fall in the political arena.  Perhaps as an Independent because I see good and bad in both parties - or more correctly in individuals in each party.  Both parties have their rhetoric.  Both parties hide behind falsehoods.  So who out there is willing to fight for truth?  Who out there is honest to a fault?  Who out there is ready and willing to represent the will of the majority of  the people?  Who is out there to honor, support and live by the Constitution of our land - the Constitution as our founding fathers wrote it and intended it to be?  Who out there understands that to be a politician, in which ever party, is to be a servant to the people and not a ruler over the people?

The answers to these questions, and many others yet to be addressed, go deep and yet are quite simple.  As my blog continues, I will address each one and welcome any comments you may have, either agreeing, disagreeing or providing your own insights.  This is a place to sound off and I believe you already know where I will stand.  Thank you for reading.  Thank you for taking a step towards solving our problems and finding truth in a deceptive world!

Your friend - Chris!


  1. certainly list some interesting topics, Chris. I, myself, wonder if they're too convoluted for me. To engage in any theories of resolution would be a mind-boggling experience laden with controversy. Kudos to you though for stepping out of your comfort zone and entering a new venture.

    I, too, qualify myself as an Independent and, as such, will take the first initiative to be "servant to the people and not a ruler..." by saying: With all due respect, I find your comment, "if you're not religious, you probably don't care..." very unfair and possibly self-serving . First and foremost, to gain respect and truthfulness from your fellow man and potential bloggers, you have to remain open and accepting of the fact that, regardless of anyone's religion preferences, most do care and have valid concerns for health, wealth, education, world peace, etc. After all, is it not hypercritical to fault people simply by their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? How does that differ from political standpoints such as those you allude to in your outline? I realize that part of your criteria is the discussion of religion itself (or the lack thereof) but I would like to see this forum conducted without the propensity for being judgmental toward one another. With that being said, I do look forward to future reviews/blogs. Good Luck! :)

  2. Looking forward to more posts to your blog.

  3. May I just take a moment before I comment on your post to chuckle with you over the first time you discovered you weren't really a Democrat! I think it must have been sometime in 1981, or there about, and you took a survey to determine the political party with which you could most identify. The answer was "Republican" and you were quite surprised! But, having visited many times with your family members I do understand why you felt as if you were stepping on tender ground.

    To BostonBelle, above, I think what Chris meant when she said "you probably don't care" was in regard to her observation that what we're seeing in the world today is described in the Bible in the book of The Revelation as The Last Days. It teaches about a time when religion would be attacked and believers persecuted. I think it describes today very well. But, since non-religious people aren't being attacked for something they hold dear, they don't speak up about the injustice of such behavior.

    Chris, the only problem with being an Independent happens during primary elections in states that don't allow party members to vote outside their party. I live in such a state and I definitely want a say in which conservative candidate will represent me in the general election. This country - for good or for bad - is a two party system. The others just dilute the pool. We owe the Bill Clinton years to Ross Perot. We owe our difficulties within our own party to the huge popularity of registered Independents who hold their votes over the two major party's candidates. Then those candidates don't show their true colors for fear of alienating the Independents. Obama was elected by Independents who "wanted to be a part of history" and they bought into everything he said without looking into his Senate record or anything else about him. It took work to do that because the mainstream media wasn't about to expose him. Well, we're all paying for that now and 3+ years later the only thing he does to explain his deplorable record is continue to blame Bush.

    Now I'll step of my soap-box. :-)

  4. Hi, Robin! While I appreciate you clarifying Chris' ambiguous (religious) comment, I am ill-equipped to offer an educated rebuttal as to discrepancies within our political system. Politics is not my forte by any means. I gladly hold the door open in the hope that others will boldly join in and offer their views. :)

  5. Love the sounding off! This is my whole intention and even if I don't agree with your viewpoint - that's okay. At least right now we still have the right to have opposing or conflicting opinions that we can openly talk about. We might even find common ground on many issues. Robin was absolutely correct in her explanation of the non-religious. As I stated in my blog,I will be addressing the issues of the attack on religion today and the attack on the family unit - and both are massively being attacked on all fronts. Those who are non-religious (which is really a euphemism since everyone - yes EVERYONE - has a religion whether that be a belief in God, in man, in money, in drugs, in cars, in self, in NO God, or whatever it is that you worship - that in and of itself becomes your religion) and brush off the importance and sacredness of those who are spiritually religious, and stand by and say and do nothing in support of those being persecuted - they are the ones who, by their non-actions, show that they simply don't care and are unwilling to fight for the rights of all of us. As long as they're not being attacked - what does it matter? But it does matter. For lack of coming up with a better explanation, the phrase "united we stand - divided we fall" best illustrates this. If we aren't willing to stand up for each other and become divided - in the end, we all will fall.

    I'm hoping this blog will get everyone to care and learn that even with differences of opinion and ideals, we can become united - united to fight the downhill slide of our society - of the world - because if we don't learn to become united once again - there's no hope for any of us. And that leads me to what will be my next blog post - "political correctness".

    Thank you again for your posts! I love hearing all sides - whether I agree or not. Maybe I'll help persuade some to see the truth - truth that has been buried. It's going to be a challenge and I myself am traveling that journey. So let's keep sounding off!
