
Thursday, August 30, 2012


            Mark Twain once said that polls are nothing more than “lies, damned lies and statistics.”  This past week NBC and the Wall Street Journal undeniably proved the truth of that statement.

            While watching the Republican National Convention a commentator began to talk about what the current political polls were revealing.  According to the NBC commentator, Barack Obama was holding onto a strong lead over Mitt Romney and, second, that among African Americans, 0% said that they would vote for Mitt Romney.  Naturally there was no mention of just who was polled and, even more blaring was the 0% and this right after Mia Love, Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah and a black Republican woman, gave a phenomenal speech awarding her several rounds of boisterous cheers on the opening day of the RNC.  Of course the leftist media conveniently did not broadcast Ms. Love’s speech because it and what she represents did not comport with the propaganda picture they want to paint for Americans that there is a racial divide among Republicans and Democrats.

Mia Love

            In actuality, what this supposed poll actually did was to demoralize and negate every single African/Black American person who holds to conservative values.  It painted each and every one of them as being a ZERO in the liberals’ eyes.  Now talk about being racist.

 Herman Cain

            After hearing that idiotic and ridiculous statistic, I decided to do some research – as it seems many others did as well.  One of the first persons to openly voice his opinion on the 0% statistic was Herman Cain.  He took great offense to being referred to as a ZERO and he was not alone.  Below is a “small” list of well known conservative African Americans that represent only a small fraction of the African American community.

Colin Powell

Condoleezza Rice

Clarence Thomas

Karl Malone

LL Cool J

Michael Steele

50 Cents

Part of the 0% African American Republicans voting for Mitt Romney.
            Will more African/Black Americans vote for Obama?  I believe everyone knows the answer to that – yes.  But to discount those who don’t goes against everything the leftists profess to support – civil rights and freedom for all.

            Polls can be twisted and turned into reporting just about any fact the pollster wants it to be – on either side of the political arena.  Smart Americans know better and the only real poll that is relevant is the votes cast on election day.

UPDATE:  Pastors, Preachers, clergymen all over our nation are stepping up to the plate to denounce the Obama administration.  Below is one such African/Black American Pastor (E.W. Jackson) who sees the evil behind Washington and the Leftist.  He and his congregation are among the so-called 0%.  Check out what he has to say (at approx. 5 mins. in).

Politically incorrect,
Chris Broome

Thursday, August 16, 2012

            There is one fact that has become abundantly clear to me as I started to research this topic.  Liberals, throughout the world, believe that creating a global or world government will help to establish a global society – a society that will bring about peace and equality to all.  Conservatives, on the other hand, believe that a global/world government will destroy all societies and, eventually, bring about the demise of our entire planet.

            These viewpoints are so diametrically opposed that I decided to delve into the thought processes of both sides.  This article will in no way address all issues, that would take an entire book, but on a more simplistic, surface analysis, this is what I have found for each side.  I’ll begin with the liberal viewpoint.


            Liberals believe that all men deserve equality in every facet of their lives regardless of what effort the individual person puts into achieving that success.  However, if a person puts a tremendous amount of work, effort and time into building a career and becomes successful economically, then liberals will deem that person as having an unfair advantage over a person who may have tried to build a business but was not willing or was unable to put in the effort to make it successful.

            Liberals believe that the government should oversee all aspects of a person’s life, including religious beliefs, moral issues, health issues, employment issues, housing issues, educational issues and social issues.

            Liberals are huge supporters of the United Nations and its growing control over a multitude of nations.  As supporters, liberals push to adopt UN philosophies even to the very detriment of the philosophies of the United States of America and its Constitution, including the UN idea that the government should have the ultimate control and influence on the minds of children and that parents should have little to no say in the rearing of their children.  Children should be taught to love government first and report any parent not voicing the ideals of the government.

            Liberals believe that we should try to get along with everyone, everywhere regardless of what a person’s or nation’s viewpoint is on annihilating anyone who does not hold to there own values.

            Liberals believe that a limited few should rule over the masses.  Those limited few should have all the benefits and wealth life can offer them and the masses should be kept on an equal footing, i.e., be reliant upon the government for everything they have.

            Liberals’ ultimate goal is to become united into a world government.  It is their belief that only then can this planet find true peace.


            Conservatives believe that all men have the right to pursue economic success through hard work and perseverance.  If a man or woman is willing to work hard to achieve their goals then they should be allowed to pursue them without interference of government blocking their every move to create their success - success which is spread to others through providing employment and stability.  The reality of life, however, is that not everything is equal but we all have the same opportunity to try even though some will fail or not achieve the same success as another.  However, Conservatives do not believe that the successful person should be punished for being able to achieve their level of success but, instead, use that individual as a beacon to inspire others that they, too, can strive to better themselves.  The pride is in doing and accomplishing rather than simply being handed a reward on a platter without making any effort to earn that reward.

            Conservatives believe that individuals should oversee all aspects of their lives, including religious preferences, moral beliefs, health issues, employment issues, housing issues, educational issues and social issues.  Men and women need to be responsible for their own choices and actions and reap the benefits of good choices and actions and suffer the consequences of bad choices and actions.  Conservatives believe that everyone has the right to make his or her own choice and government should only become involved when that choice becomes threatened or attacked – this includes choices of high morals and religious values and in the belief in the traditional lifestyle that, regardless of its age old stance, is as valid today as it was thousands of years ago.

            Conservatives are strongly opposed to the growing powers of the United Nations.  The philosophies of this governmental body are polar opposites to the ideals and philosophies upon which this nation was founded.  Conservatives believe that the Constitution of this nation is an inspired document and, if maliciously tampered with, will lead to the destruction of all of our freedoms.  Conservatives value the family unit and understand that if the UN philosophy of government control over children were to be enforced – a holocaust to the likes that this world has never seen before, will spring forth.

            Conservatives believe that we should try to get along with everyone, everywhere.  However, if a person or nation threatens to annihilate another person or nation, it is our duty and moral obligation to render service to that person and/or nation and not turn a blind eye on the perpetrators.

            Conservatives believe that government is essential but that it should have limited powers, powers to protect but not rule over the people.  The government is to serve the people and, in accordance with the Declaration of Independence, any government who usurps its power to rule the people is a corrupt government and it becomes the people’s moral and ethical obligation to take down that government and restore it to its true purpose.

            Conservatives’ ultimate goal is to restore strong values and confidence in people to make this country a strong, profitable and leading nation in support of individual freedoms.  It is their belief that only “in God we trust” will we be able to find true peace as a nation and as a world.


            From my viewpoint, we focus far too much on what makes us different in a negative context, as though those differences are reason to hate, pass judgment, belittle and destroy each other.  To be sure, there are some cultural and religious value systems out there in the world that I believe are detrimental to all of us no matter what nation we live in and those threats need to be watched carefully least they wind up destroying us.  But, for the most part, I believe that is it our worldly differences that make us a stronger and better people.

            I am an American and I am very proud of that.  I am blessed to have been born in this wonderful land despite her many faults.  But just as I am proud to be an American, that doesn’t mean that I think everyone has to be an American or have American values.  I believe that people of all lands need to feel the pride of their own nations.  A person born in England needs to cherish their country as a person born in Russia, or Italy, or Spain, or Germany, or Sweden, or South Africa, or Australia, or Chile, etc.  No country is a perfect country on all fronts but we all deserve the right to be proud of our heritage.  Under a world government, this pride will be ripped away from us.  Would that really be a good thing?

            I do believe that all people have the right to be free but being free doesn’t mean everything in life is given to you.  Being free is a tremendous responsibility and takes an endless amount of work.  In those nations where freedom is denied to the average man and woman, you find poverty in horrendous degrees.  That poverty didn’t happen overnight.  It came about by people who wanted to control thoughts, religion, morals, and financial and ethical values of others.  These leaders lulled their people into believing that they, their government, would take care of them.  They would have inexpensive housing, free medical care, free higher education opportunities, guaranteed job positions and/or they wouldn’t have to work at all because they would be taken care of.  This lack of responsibility would make them truly free – and people clamored for it.  They got the ripe apple at the beginning but soon the apples being given to them showed signs of being rotten until, finally, there weren’t any apples at all.  By then it was too late because, by then, they were enslaved to a domineering government.  By then they were equal – equal in poverty of heart and mind.

            Today, globally, governments have been lulling their people into captivity by dangling a false freedom before them.  That is true in many countries, including the United States of America.  But what is happening is that the masses of people are becoming enslaved to government.  Is that where we will find real peace?  I think not.

Politically incorrect,
Chris Broome

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


We are all allowed to have our own opinions about everything and anything and, here in the United States of America, we are all FREE to openly express those opinions.  At least that’s one of the principals that this nation was founded upon.  But is that principal still true?  From what I see, read and hear nowadays – the answer is a sad and heartbreaking “no”.

People throughout hundreds if not thousands of generations have always had differences of opinions, beliefs and value systems and everyone accepted that.  There was nothing wrong with having different opinions and, in fact, those opinions helped us to understand each other more and to appreciate each other as an equal.  How did this appreciation of differences get so turned upside-down and inside-out to the point that instead of acceptance we now find open hatred and persecution with a constant battle being waged to demoralize and crush anyone who has a different belief and understanding than our own?

(Photo by:

I am certain that there will be a number of people who will disagree with me on this and that is okay because I do still believe in allowing others to have different opinions but - it is my opinion that there is so much hatred in the world today because religion has been taken out of the foundation of our lives.  I know immediately some will be saying, “There you go again – bringing religion into it – how weak – how lame.”  To that I say, “There you go again – avoiding truth just because it doesn’t allow you to have a blank check to do whatever it is you want to do.”
 There is a simple basic truth that we ALL must face and that is that there are things that are unequivocally wrong and there are things that are unequivocally right.  (Check out my earlier blog on “Our Legal System – No Real Justice.”)  Many times things that are wrong to do seem to be fun and enticing but regardless of how fun, exciting and enticing they may be – they are still wrong.  Of course no one likes to be told that they are doing something wrong so in order to avoid facing that truth, they try to turn it around by insinuating that the person telling them that they are wrong is really the one who is wrong, closed minded and is committing a “hate” crime against them.  These same people will then go about demoralizing anyone who has any degree of high moral, ethical and spiritual values by which they live by.  And these people have the gall to think that they are the ones who are open minded? – How hypocritical!  What they are really saying is, “Accept who I am and what I do but do not expect me to accept who you are and what you do.”  Even the media cashes in on this philosophy.  (Check out my earlier blog on “Tolerance is a Word Valuable in the Service of Satan.”)

A recent event that highlights this breakdown in acceptance of differences and spotlights the attack upon Christianity is the venomous rhetoric spewed out against Dan Cathy, President of the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A.  Mr. Cathy recently stated that the family owned business is “supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit.”  He then went on to say, “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.”  As soon as Mr. Cathy’s statement came out the gay-right activists and liberal organizations came out of the woodwork decrying how horrible Mr. Cathy was and that he was attacking them.  Mr. Cathy did no such thing – not even slightly.  He merely lent his support to traditional marriage as defined by God.  He was not casting judgment on anyone – he was simply stating his belief and opinion.  But, what the leftist have revealed in this incident, as well as so many others, is that it is okay to espouse support for gay marriage but it is heresy to espouse support for traditional marriage.  Once again – how hypocritical.

           This event also highlights why religion is pushed aside because the truth it brings goes against what they want – a lifestyle that is anything but supportive of God.  Mr. Cathy was unequivocally right when he stated that this “generation has a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.”  Anything that goes against the laws of nature and God is wrong – BUT – we are all free to choose our own actions whether they be right or wrong.  So if you want to be different and follow a different lifestyle then so be it – that is your right – BUT – don’t you dare deny me the same right to choose my lifestyle – one based with God at its foundation.  It is I and those like me who do accept you (though not your values) – even with your differences.  It is you who do not accept us.  It is you who have brought hatred and turmoil to this world.  That hatred and turmoil are the very fruits you have garnered through your wrong actions.

For many decades now those opposed to God and His words have been gaining ground and stifling Christianity on all fronts.  If we who claim to be Christians continue to sit back and let the battle against our faith go unchallenged by bowing down to threats, intimidation and bullying by the radical non-Christians and liberalism, then we will have only ourselves to blame when we wake up one day and find that religion, all religions, have been banned and anyone trying to live by spiritual principals will be jailed.  God instructed us to proclaim His word.  His word is truth.  God told us “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  What does this mean?  It means that we are to proclaim to the world what is right no matter how much we are attacked for pointing out what is true – and we will be attacked.  We are to proclaim but we are not to force others to follow the right path - a path that if followed by all would lead us all to peace, joy and happiness.

Can we find the peace, joy and happiness that we have been promised?  I believe that one day we shall but we will have to endure a period of great darkness before that day - a darkness that is already casting its shadow upon us.

Sounding off for truth,
Chris Broome