
Friday, May 17, 2013


            Okay, it has been a couple of months since I added to this sounding off blog.  That had nothing to do with not having anything to sound off about but, rather, if you have been watching the news of late, it was because there are so many things hitting the proverbial fan that I couldn’t focus on just which outrageously, ridiculous, criminal, communistic, godless atrocity to address first.

(Kermit Gosnell: Courtesy of:

            There was the trial of Philadelphia’s Dr. Kermit Gosnell who carelessly butchered thousands of innocent babies through abortions.  On March 13, 2013, Dr. Gosnell was blessedly found guilty and sentenced to three life terms – without parole.  But Dr. Gosnell is not alone in this horrific crime against little babies – there are thousands upon thousands of doctors who should receive the same fate.

(Courtesy of:

            Then there has been the uncovering of the educational indoctrination program known as Common Core.  The slithering worms behind this odorous hunk of manure have undercut – or rather completely disregarded - the rights of every parent to be informed of what their children are being taught in the schools.  The Common Core program doesn’t focus on educating our children in reading, writing and arithmetic but, rather, indoctrinates them to undermine their parents (spotlighting them as the ‘enemy’ in their lives while the government is their ‘friend’), pushes them to accept all devious forms of lifestyles regardless of family and religious values and at the same time, demoralizes them if they have or believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage (it’s the mindset of you MUST accept us but your values and beliefs are UNACCEPTABLE – so much for tolerance), demeans our Founding Fathers and paints them as being ‘misguided’, promotes the communistic/collectivism societal way of living and castigates free enterprise, freedom of speech, individual accomplishments, self-reliance, God, ethics, morals, the family unit and the ‘pursuit of happiness’.  In fact, Melissa Harris-Perry, who is strongly behind Common Core, actually publically stated the mindset of the push behind this program when she stated that – the problem with education is that parents think their kids belong to them and are their responsibility when, in fact, children belong to the community.  What absolutely utter garbage that is.  But, this is exactly what our children are being indoctrinated with every single day.  They are being taught that their parents are the enemy and that they must teach their parents to change their values and thinking to align with the collectivism mindset.  There is no room for individuality in society.  The words that come out of Ms. Harris-Perry’s mouth are horrific at best.  I can’t believe that a sane human would ever even think of such a preposterous thing, let alone say it – but they do.

Check out what Ms. Harris-Perry had to say at:

          (The Nikolayevs: Courtesy of

            There was also the story about Anna and Alex Nikolayev of California who had their infant baby taken away from them by police under the directive of Child Protective Services (CPS) simply because they had sought a second opinion regarding his medical condition and treatment.  I have been an advocate of highlighting the illegal and dangerous practices of CPS and how they have elevated themselves above the law when it comes to our children.  They routinely criminalize innocent parents - not to protect our children but, rather, to make a financial profit for themselves because they see children as dollar signs since removing them from their parents (let’s call it for what it is – kidnapping) provides them with monetary rewards.  What I did enjoy about this story was that it made a growing concern PUBLIC.  Of course the Nikolayev’s story isn’t unique – they just got media coverage.  But it is happening every single day in this country.  Maybe this case will now shed light on the racket of stealing children for profit – pimped by CPS.

            Next we have the whistleblowers behind the Benghazi incident.  Obama and his dominions are neck deep in fecal matter on this but still they play their spin.  And, as predictable, mainstream media does their best to cover up for him and simply does not report on the treasonous acts he and his “zombies” have committed and continue to commit.  Obama was running guns to his Muslim Brotherhood buddies – to arm them to attack Americans and Israelites and who knows who else.  The evidence against Obama, etc. is beyond mountainous and yet, no one seems to be willing to do anything about it.

            Of course the latest vomit to come out is the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, religious groups and conservative individuals.  Attorney General Eric Holder shakes his head and cries that he didn’t know anything about it.  He had recused himself.  Yeah, right – and the moon really is nothing more than green cheese.  Of course Holder has no written record of his recusal and can’t remember who he put in charge (both acts in violation of the recusal procedure – but don’t worry, he’s bound to “create something”).  Please – how long can the American public remain blind to what is so obvious and smells like fish guts.  The White House answers by requesting the resignation of Steven Miller, the acting head of the IRS.  What the White House failed to disclose was the Miller was already set to retire in just three weeks anyways.  The invasion the IRS has made into personal privacy is criminal and extremely frightening.  They will soon be in charge of Obamacare.  Does that mean conservatives will be denied medical aid if their values oppose the liberal mindset.  It just might be what we will be looking at.

            Okay, then there was the tapping of phones at AP.  Finally the media is getting a taste of what they have been supporting – Obama’s tactics.  Oh what a crime that has been committed upon them.  Wake up – Obama and his troops have been committing that crime for 5 years now – they’ve only gotten bigger and bolder in their actions.  They say they support the freedom of the press out of the corner of their mouths.  What they are really saying is that they support the freedom of the press so long as the press glorifies and praises the government – but if they reveal anything negative – they will pay the consequences.  Obama himself stated that he would ‘punish’ anyone who doesn’t go along with his ideals, beliefs, values and fundamental change and he would reward those who do.

            Though not widely reported – and it leaves you to wondering way – America’s Navy Seals are being killed left and right.  This has never ever happened in the history of the Navy Seals.  Why is Obama having them eliminated – yes you heard me – Obama is having them eliminated.  Why?  What is he planning?  Clearly he needs to eliminate a well trained group to leave the rest of us vulnerable.

            How about the Boston Marathon bombing?  I am originally from Boston so I have some pretty strong ties there.  But clearly there is cover-ups going on there.  Why was a Saudi secreted out of the country?  A Saudi who has been officially linked to the bombers themselves and yet Washington will say that there is “no” connection - just like they said that Benghazi was due to a film.  It all simply reeks to high heaven.  Marshall Law was imposed on the people of Boston.  Residents were treated with disrespect, their homes invaded – without warrants – an act in violation of the U.S. Constitution.  I commend the police for tracking down the terrorists and the hours they put in – I have no beef with them.  However, I do wonder if Boston was just a testing ground for Obama.  He wanted to see how a Marshal Law order would be accepted by the people without question.  Makes you wonder where the next “test” will be and how soon might it be before it is imposed on the entire nation.

            Obama stated while he was running for office that he wanted to “fundamentally” change this country and the world.  Little did people know that his “fundamental” change was leading them like lambs to the slaughter.  But he has made good on his promise – America is fundamentally changed – and not for the better.

            As you can see, a lot has happened since my last posting but besides seeing the devastating carnage our country is in, I have noticed something else.  I am seeing a crack in the lining of the Obama administration.  I had come to believe that we had long since past the point of no return that made this country so great.  Where family values were honored, where everyone had the freedom to speak, to bare arms, to build and grow a business, to live by their religious values, to become self-sustaining, to respect each other, to respect our elders – to live in peace.  But know I am seeing and understanding something different.  Yes, we can’t go back to what was – but we can push forward through the darkness into the light where good prevails and good always prevails.  We may see many, many dark days ahead of us but the crack in that darkness has already appeared.  That crack will widen – sooner than many of you believe.  We have passed the point of no return – but it is not the point of no return for good – it is the point of no return for evil.

            “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” [Psalm 23:4]

            We are now living in the valley of the shadow of death – but fear not, we have God on our side.  We will be victorious in the end.  I only hope enough people wake up and start taking action to split that crack wide open!