
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I was really happy with the response to my first blog post and appreciated everyone’s comments, either made on the blog or through private e-mails to me.  As a clarification, before I venture into my second post, I want to reiterate that the point of this blog is to be able to sound off my views and understandings – I’ve kept silent for far too long – and to search for the truth – the REAL truth in a world that is awashed in deception.  Now some of you reading these posts may be of the mind that your truth is the truth, or that there is more than “one” truth, and I’m trying to ram my truth down your throat.  Let me make it clear that I am not ramming anything down anyone’s throat but I am expressing my views.  Too many people like myself are being silenced because what we have to say “offends” people.  (Good lead into this new posting.)  I am, however, looking for the real, honest truth that has not been propagandized either politically or morally to justify one’s personal beliefs and behaviors.  That being said, there are many beliefs and behaviors that have been built upon lies and falsehoods as opposed to truth and correctness - mostly because to believe the truth would find oneself condemned for one’s own actions and people do not want to be told or hear that they are doing or believing in something wrong so they, in reverse, condemn the people who are speaking real truth in order to try and justify their own wayward behaviors.  So, as I continue to post, know that I am not going to apologize for speaking the truth and stepping on toes because of its harshness.

Woe, woe – I can hear the ruffled feathers already.  “Speaking the truth?” you may be saying.  “Yeah, you’re truth and who appointed you the all knowing and seer of truth?”  Okay – hold onto something because I’m going to tell you – God and Common Sense!  All real truth is based on these two “facts” – God and Common Sense.  It doesn’t matter what you believe – that belief cannot change this FACT.  It’s not propagandized or demoralized.  It’s cold hard truth.  That will make many people feel very uncomfortable and quick to condemn but no matter how much you condemn this FACT – it will remain FACT.  I am in no way perfect and I myself have lived by false facts, still have some in my closet I’m sure and, through this blog journey, I am going to have to face my own harsh realities, but I will not bend, back down or turn away from finding the truth that has been buried and distorted.  All my truth comes from God and Common Sense!  Know all this from the beginning and you will understand where I stand and where I am heading in all of my future posts.  Again, I welcome your comments, all comments.  Together, despite our differences, we can find a way to become united in a cause to save our world because our world is being snuffed out.

So, let’s get to the topic of this post – political correctness.  Perhaps no other term has done more damage in driving a wedge between mankind than this one piece of unadulterated trash.  It has no redeeming qualities.  The sole purpose of political correctness is to make everyone fearful of each other.  If we fear each other, we will not talk to each other.  We will not associate with each other.  We will be divided into millions and millions of pieces.  That is exactly what the political correctness advocates are pushing for.  Weaken the masses and then come in for the kill – there’ll be no resistance.

Political correctness has literally weaved its way into every crack and crevice of our society and there it has festered and grown into a formidable beast.  Everywhere you turn someone is complaining, “That’s not politically correct.”  An example that happened to me a few years ago happened at work.  A group of employees went out to lunch.  As they left they were debating on getting Chinese food, Japanese food or Thai food.  I didn’t go but later was asked by a fellow worker where did the group go out to eat.  I replied, “They were going to get oriental food.”  I believed this covered the response as I did not know specifically what kind of food they wound up getting.  However, I was immediately rebuked and told that “oriental” was offensive.  “It is?” I thought.  “Since when?”  I was then told that my answer should have been that they were going to get “Asian” food.  Well excuse me…  So I said, “Then I guess there’s no such thing as ‘Oriental’ rugs anymore.  They’re now ‘Asian’ rugs.  And there’s no more ‘Orient Express’, it’s the ‘Asian’ Express.”  I was given an angry stare back and told to be careful because they were “offended” – and this person wasn’t even oriental – oh excuse me again – Asian.

Hey, I personally love “oriental” rugs.  I think they’re beautiful and when I hear someone else talk about having an “oriental” rug, I immediately imagine a work of art.  By my use of the word “oriental” I have no negative image in mind and I am NOT being offensive in any way, shape or form.  If you are offended then the offense is taking place in your own mind.  Perhaps you should re-evaluate your own thought processes and don’t judge or condemn me because of YOUR thoughts.  And that is what political correctness does – it makes people judge others by what is in their own thoughts – having little to nothing to do with reality or truth.  It has no care as to what was in the mind of the accused because what they intended or thought is irrelevant.  They are condemned just because what they said wasn’t liked.  So what do we wind up doing?  We keep our mouths shut because we know we will suffer punishment otherwise regardless of our intent.  We’ve become afraid to say anything.  Well, I am NOT politically correct and I am proud of it – thank you very much!

Before barking at me, understand that there is a difference between being politically correct and being crude and judgmental.  They are not the same thing.  I don’t believe it is okay to go about saying someone is stupid or are ugly or fat just because you want to demean them.  That is bullying and is unacceptable but even that is not a criminal offense and is not a “hate” crime.  It’s a crime of ignorance.  We all suffer from being ignorant at times in our lives so the common sense thing to do is learn from it and make the necessary changes – not be condemned and made to be fearful.  So, you see, I do believe that we need to be respectful of each other and some things are vehemently not okay – but those things are far and few in-between.  We need to stop being so easily offended.

I could go on and on with this topic but since it covers such a vast array of our lives I will have to break it up into many posts.  I’d love to hear your take on political correctness and even hear about some of your own experiences.  Later I’ll go even deeper into the political correctness crime spree and point out what we need to do to abolish it – abolish the hatred that comes with it – and find our way back to being able to enjoy each other and our differences.  To be able to laugh again at what makes us different and what makes us so much alike!

Until next time,
Yours truly,


  1. "We need to stop being so easily offended" could also be stated as "We need to learn that things are usually more about other people than they are about us".

    Chris, I've enjoyed my first visit to your site and I am looking forward to reading more!

    Great job! Keep it up!

    Make Money Online

  2. You know, it's funny. Since I work in the United States Postal Service, I have no choice but to be "politically correct". Instead of saying the common phrase "Mail Man" I have to use the term Mail Carrier or Letter Carrier. So, I know exactly what you are saying. I really love reading your blogs, they are deep and full of meaning.

    Amber Broome
