
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The 2012 Presidential election is just a few weeks away.  People in both political camps are biting their nails – but for different reasons.  Biased media polls tout that Obama is ahead in virtually every key state.  A poll taken recently in Ohio had Obama leading Romney by double digits, however, after delving into the background of that particular poll it was revealed that only 162 people were polled in the entire state.  162 people are supposed to represent the majority of Ohio’s entire political view - a state that has been hit especially hard by the Obama’s administrative line on industry, particularly the coal industry.  Since Obama took office some 100 coal fired powered plants have been closed - many of which were located in Ohio.  With those closures, thousands of Ohioans lost their jobs under Obama’s reign.  Do you really think they want 4 more years of his policies?

Independent polls in Ohio and throughout the country show a very different picture than what the mainstream media is trying to present.  In fact, in more than half of the independent polls, Romney is leading, sometimes by a substantial lead, over Obama - but enough of polls.  As my earlier blog stated, polls can be twisted into anything the pollster wants it to reflect so let’s just dismiss the polls and start reflecting on what real, everyday people are actually saying.

Let me return back to my earlier statement that “People in both political camps are biting their nails – but for different reasons.”  For quite some time now I have been focusing on this, listening to the people around me at work, on the trains, in the stores, in restaurants, on the streets, etc.  I have also talked with friends I have around the country to see what they have been hearing in places like Massachusetts, Utah, Georgia, Mississippi, Arizona and California.  For the most part the results I am finding are not surprising but there is one factor constantly rearing its head above all other factors such as race, sex or political party – and that is the growing divide between age groups.

  The Young People (from grade-school through mid-late twenties).  This group of people has been brought up in an age of entitlement and they cling hard and fast to it.  This age group fully, totally, and completely believes that they are “owed” virtually everything in life, including free money, free education, free healthcare, free housing, free cellphones, freedom from employment, freedom from doing anything.  They also fully believe that anyone who actually works for what they have in life is the “bad” guy and that “bad” guy owes them.  This mindset has been drilled into their heads since entering the public school system where today’s thinking is that the parent should have little to nothing to do with their social and moral development but that the schools and government are solely to mold them.  It becomes increasingly indoctrinated in them in colleges and universities where, again, more time, energy and classes are spent on molding favoritism towards communistic views and values than on teaching actual trades for people to make a living.  They don’t need to make a living because they are “owed” everything, free, and the government will provide for them.  They are smashing individual thinking into a collective, mindless mentality of enslavement.

A capitalistic society is a society that believes in the everyday man and woman.  That everyone has the right to try and better their lives through hard work, self-sacrifice, failures, achievements and being able to stand back up and try again until you reach success.  Not every person will succeed at the same level but the feeling of pride earned in the act of working for what you have is felt equally by all.  It is what a person “builds” themselves - not what has been handed to them.

In a communistic/marxist society, no one works to better themselves because there is no conceivable way to better themselves.  They live in a “collective” mentality where everyone must have the same as the other guy and no one is to have anything more – that is except for the few elite at the top of the social scale.  These few live by a very different rule.

So, in my own personal research, I have time and time again heard the young people voice a negative opinion towards capitalism, believing it is an “unfair” system.  That everyone is “entitled” to get the same thing - that the rich guy is “bad” and owes them.  That the rich guy somehow by osmosis just magically, unfairly, got his wealth.  That he stepped on the less fortunate people to get that wealth.  They ignore his or her hard work, their years of hard work – years of self-sacrifice – how they employed many, in some instances thousands, providing them with a livelihood.  Nope – their sole mentality is that if you are successful then you are evil.

Obama and his followers plug into the entitlement mentality.  They feed it.  They incite it.  They propagandize it.  They display it under the cloak of racism and political correctness.  They weave their web to the destruction of the United States of America and the young stand up and cheer – completely ignorant of their own demise.

  The Older Generation (late twenties and up).  This group of people still remembers when America was the best nation on Earth.  Was she perfect?  No – but she and her values, her identity, her Constitution were the best things that this world has ever known.  She was a haven unto the world for peace and freedom.  To say you were an American was to be filled with pride and humbleness to enjoy her fruits.  To be an American made you proud to help others in the world less fortunate and we, as Americans, have poured billions/trillions into the world in aid and services to help others have a piece of what we had.  We knew, however, that what we had was earned.  It was earned by the death of millions before us who fought for that freedom.  We honored them.  We revered them and we strived to make them proud of their and our sacrifices to keep sacred what they fought for, died for and lived for.

Capitalism is the only true way that all can achieve success.  Again, not everyone will achieve the same level of success for various reasons, including commitment to and belief in your own cause, but without free capitalism, economies will eventually collapse.  Capitalism cannot work without the dedication of people willing to do the work necessary.  Capitalism brings freedom to all.  Freedom is not FREE.  Older generations are fully aware of this.  Older generations do not expect to be given something for nothing.  Older generations do not believe they are entitled to anything that they haven’t worked their butts off to have.  Older generations understand that when times get tough, you pull your belt in a little tighter – you put the pedal to the metal and you work your way out of it.  Older generations know the government is not their savior.

Hence we are a nation struggling with two mindsets.  Those who feel entitled and fear losing “free” entitlements cling like frightened children in the night to Obama.  They see Romney as the boogey man and Obama is their savior – they worship their savior – not God – God is dead to them.

Those who love the ideals and values of America, of the Founding Fathers, the U.S. Constitution, freedom, freedom of ALL religions, freedom for the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speech, freedom to strive for your self-worth, freedom to achieve, and freedom to honor the sacrifices of so many men and women who fight for that freedom cling to Romney for hope, for the return to sanity, for the return to the sacredness and holiness of the family unit – unviolated by government control, for the return to the greatest nation that ever was or ever will be.  Romney is in no way perfect but he believes in freedom.  He believes in our Constitution and its divine inspiration.  The older generations see this – know this.  The older generations see Obama as an anti-Christ, as a destroyer of human will, a destroyer of humanity, a destroyer of true freedom and as the enslaver of souls.

Not every young person believes in Obama and not every older person believes in Romney but in percentages, the young favor Obama and the older folks favor Romney.  Come election day we, both old and young, will learn where our country is headed.  Will America survive if Obama wins?  Can Romney undo the damage of not only Obama’s administration but of a 100 years of progressive programs?  Can we ever truly become a “United” States of American again or are her days of glory truly gone?  Nail biting will increase as our future lies ahead or – as many people and nations in the past have predicted – is 2012 the beginning of the end of us all?

Politically incorrect,
Chris Broome

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