
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Have you ever taken the time to think about what actually made the United States of America so great?  Was it the American dream where everyone had the chance to make something of themself? Not the same "something" economically or notariety, but something that brought them pride and joy and a feeling of accomplishment.  Was it our technological advances that often sprang forward long before other parts of the world could enjoy them? Was it our open religious freedom for all religions?  Was it the fact that every U.S. citizen age 18 and up could actually take a vote on who their leaders would be and take them out if they didn't uphold the values, laws and beliefs of the U.S. Constitution and the people?  Was it that we could say what was on our mind no matter what and not feel threatened that what we said wasn't going along with the "collective" mindset?  Was it that we could fail and no matter how devastating the failure was, we could pick ourselves up and push forward - finding great success that was, in turn, admired by others?  Was it that we all knew that everyone had the equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - but that didn't mean we had equal rights to everything in life at the same amounts and same quantities?

I have thought about what made the U.S. so great a lot lately and all of the above came to mind.  But America isn't so great anymore and she's fading fast.  So why is she fading?  First, people don't really believe in the American dream anymore.  Instead of admiring and praising someone who has achieved success, they trample on them, condemn them, believe life has been unfair to themselves and that the person who achieved success "owes" them some of that success.  The mindset is that the achiever is the bad guy and the under-achiever should be 'taken care of'.

Moral values for the masses have completely disappeared.  Not wanting to face their immorality, attacks turned toward religion.  Many now call the Bible a book of hatred.  A moral person makes an immoral person feel bad.  That makes the moral person the "bad" person.  Therefore, religions must be done away with.  In fact, religion tells a person that they must "work" for what they have and to not live off of handouts.  That makes millions of people mad - so down with religion.

The youth have been being taught for the last 20 plus years that the Founding Fathers were flawed - that written history is wrong, that the U.S. Constitution was meant for a time back in the late 1700's but was never meant for the 2000s.  America needs to be "fundamentally" changed and to do that, the youth must "fundamentally" change their parents.  Parents who speak against the "collective" mindset need to be put in their place.  In fact, any American citizen who speaks out againt the "collective" mindset is a "terrorist".

Finally, there is no such thing as the "individual" worth anymore. It's what a person's role is in the community.  All attempts to better themselves financially, morally or religiously should be frawned upon because those kinds of people are "selfish", "greedy" and should, therefore, be "eliminated".  Rather, people are here to serve their government.  The government does not serve them but "provides" for them.

The contrast between these two America's is frightingly vast. So, again, what really made America so great?  It's really simple - we were a "united" people!  That's why we put it in our country's name - the "United" States of America.  That doesn't mean we didn't have differences - differences are healthy for growth - but we were united in purpose - we were united in the value and worth of each individual - we were united in our goals to remain free from tyranny - we were united in the love of country - we were united in the defense of our country - we were united in accepting our differences and thriving off of those differences - we were united in protecting the rights of each citizen - we were united rich or poor, healthy or sick, educated or uneducated - we were UNITED!

The world has seen this strong, unpenetrable bond of unitedness.  They saw it in the mid 1700's when young boys and men, untrained in war, fought a great nation to win its freedom.  They saw it when Pearl Harbor was hit.  They saw it on 9/11.  They have seen it countless other times and knew that America could never be destroyed from "without".  And that was the key word - from "without".  So, in order to bring down America, you must destroy her from "within".

I know that many people point the finger at Obama as being the destroyer.  But this bringing down of America from within has been a war that has been raging for nearly 100 years.  There have been many "progressives" along that century decline who bit by bit have been gnawing away at the internal organs of the country.  Like a cancer - over the century - it has spread.  They began with entitlement programs during and after the world wars.  They continued on by the implementation of taxes (a cause that the Founding Fathers fought against). Throughout this time, the government was growing, getting its hand into every conceivable aspect of every person's life.  A government created to "serve" the people was now becoming the government who the people must serve.

The 100 year cancer is in full bloom now and Obama is its poster child.  He opitimizes just how gangerous that cancer is.  He has for the past 5 years matastized the cancerous growth by corrupting race to pit itself against race.  To push the non-religious against the religious.  To turn success into being criminal - creating a humungous divide among the classes.  He has pulled the safety guards of the U.S. Constitution out from under the nation's feet.  He is meticulously catapaulting us into becoming a dead nation.  And all of this has and is being done from "within".  Our enemies can smell victory coming.

Will they get their victory?  Will America truly fall?  I think not.  I think she will be reborn and this time she will be stronger than ever.  This time she will be unimpenetrable from without and from within!  But there will be much bloodshed spilt before she rises up.  There will be a Second American Revolution - the likes of which this world has never seen before.  But that revolution shall begin from "within".  The cancerous cancer must be "cut out".  A civil war of cleansing will take place.  Many good people will perish but good will be victorious over the evil in the end.  And while the world sits watching, waiting to pounce upon the perceived dying weakness of America - she will turn and face them -once again UNITED!  Father and son joined arm in arm.  Mother and daughter joined hand-in-hand.  Brothers and sisters fighting a common cause with equal determination. - Yes, America is down - but she will never be out - and that is the enemies biggest weakness!  A weakness that I now think they are starting to see - a weakness that will begin to burst forward in 2016!

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