
Thursday, April 12, 2012


I had the wonderful opportunity to attend my nephew’s wedding this past weekend in Cohasset, Massachusetts.  I love weddings as they signify the coming together of two individuals who are ready to make a life-long mutual commitment to each other.

As we all got caught up in the excitement of the last minute wedding festivities that led up to the wedding day, and as many of us reflected back on our own wedding day, a news story came on the evening news that re-iterated just how much the institution of marriage has been corroded.  Again, we have political correctness to thank for that.

The story was about Elizabeth Bierendy, a seventeen your old girl in Warwick, Rhode Island who had been asked to paint a mural for her high-school depicting how she viewed life’s progression.  She started her mural with a toddler, then showed the toddler growing up through the elementary school years, on to high school years, high-school graduation and, finally, she ended the mural with a man, a woman and a toddler to depict that the cycle of life had yet again begun with the new toddler.  The mural was simple and to the point, reflecting the seventeen year old’s point of view.  Little was she prepared for – little was any of us prepared for – the controversy her simple mural evoked.

The controversy had to deal with the fact that she had painted wedding bands over the heads of the young couple.  An outcry – from a very small minority I might add – spewed forth because these few felt that the mural did not depict the union of a married couple from their viewpoint – stating that marriage of a man and woman was not the “norm” today and didn’t reflect the many different lifestyles of today’s world.  They were, therefore, highly offended by the symbolism used.  Are you freaking kidding me?  I thought the mural was commissioned to express HER view!

What is pathetically sad here is that if she had painted two men together or two women together that would have been okay – but a man and a woman?  Heaven forbid – that was offensive…  Well folks, I feel that seeing two men together or two women together in the union of marriage is highly offensive to me and billions more.  Oh, but if any of us says that we are offended by the depiction of homosexuality then we are committing a hate crime.  We’re not being open and we’re being judgmental.  But it is their opinion that it is okay for them to criticize and degrade the traditional Christian view of marriage, even erase it from any public viewing because it offends them – and they have the gall to believe that they are not being judgmental?  That they are not denying us our right to our point of view and lifestyle?  That they are not committing a hate crime against us?  Huh - that thinking is simply double standard gibberish trash.

People throughout history have lived many different lifestyles but it has only been in the past couple of decades that there has been a severe push to ram down the throats of anyone with strong Christian values to “accept” every form of someone else’s lifestyle regardless of what that lifestyle may be.  It’s the mentality of “accept me for who I am or else…”  Funny thing is – they DON’T accept us – and that’s really not funny at all.

I understand that there are different lifestyles and if that’s how you want to live your life, then so be it, but don’t tell me how to live mine.  The fight that was begun a few decades ago to come out of the closets, so to speak, without fearing any retaliation, is understandable but it has turned out that the fight they initiated to become accepted by society was, in truth, a fight to destroy anything conventional, traditional and holy sacred in the sight of God.  I am not going to use this article to argue whether all lifestyles are sanctioned by God because the simple fact is – they are not.  There is a saying that states that – for those who believe, no explanation is needed – for those who don’t believe – no explanation will ever be enough – and that is true on this front.  It is something each and every one of us will understand the truth of on that day of final judgment.  The point of this article, however, is not to condemn alternative lifestyles but to highlight the fact that they, along with the political correctness garbage of today, are destroying what has been held dear for centuries upon centuries.  The tensions between the godless and the godly are growing.  The godless have gained a tremendous amount of ground over the past twenty years but be careful of how far you push because eventually the elastic will snap back and bite you.  You have passed the point of being accepted by denying anyone else his or her right to be different from you.  You have become the very thing you fought against.

As my wedding weekend wound down, another news report updated the story on the mural with what I believe was the only true outcome that should have occurred.  The Superintendant of the school, along with the Miss Bierendy, refused to paint over the wedding bands.  She has the right to her view of life’s cycle and her view will not be silenced!

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